Analyzing whether the Pokemon is Legendary or not using Machine Learning
This database includes 21 variables per each of the 721 Pokémon of the first six generations, plus the Pokémon ID and its name. These variables are briefly described next:
Number. Pokémon ID in the Pokédex.
Name. Name of the Pokémon.
Type_1. Primary type.
Type_2. Second type, in case the Pokémon has it.
Total. Sum of all the base stats (Health Points, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed).
HP. Base Health Points.
Attack. Base Attack.
Defense. Base Defense.
Sp_Atk. Base Special Attack.
Sp_Def. Base Special Defense.
Speed. Base Speed.
Generation. Number of the generation when the Pokémon was introduced.
isLegendary. Boolean that indicates whether the Pokémon is Legendary or not.
Color. Color of the Pokémon according to the Pokédex.
hasGender. Boolean that indicates if the Pokémon can be classified as female or male.
Pr_male. In case the Pokémon has Gender, the probability of its being male. The probability of being female is, of course, 1 minus this value.
EggGroup1. Egg Group of the Pokémon.
EggGroup2. Second Egg Group of the Pokémon, in case it has two.
hasMegaEvolution. Boolean that indicates whether the Pokémon is able to Mega-evolve or not.
Height_m. Height of the Pokémon, in meters.
Weight_kg. Weight of the Pokémon, in kilograms.
Catch_Rate. Catch Rate.
Body_Style. Body Style of the Pokémon according to the Pokédex.