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Releases: kyfex-uwu/BlockBotter

v0.2.1: made it safe again

25 Jul 18:05
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With this new release, there's just a couple of QOL updates:

  • If you log in once with your bot, now the id gets save (don't worry, it's encrypted) so you can just quick log-in every time you re-open the tool.
  • code wasn't saving before (oops) but now it does, so you won't lose your code every time you close the app!
  • error logging is a bit more descriptive
  • you can now export your code to run as a standalone bot, you don't need to run it through this tool

Coming soon:

  • WAY better docs
  • an easier way to do more common things in discord, like send/react/reply to a message

as always, report any bugs in the github bug tracker, and have fun :3

release 3, ready to go public!

15 Jan 21:23
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With this new release, a bunch of issues were fixed and it's ready to be used! This is still not where i want it, but it's pretty good B3
You can now save code, and a bunch of small tweaks were added (like freezing and unfreezing, or switching between editor and client easily.)
documentation coming soon!

as always, report any bugs in the github bug tracker, and have fun :3

release 2, actual functionality :sunglasses:

12 Jan 16:04
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second release is out, and with that comes block based coding!! it's not finished yet, (barely started) but we're onto the good stuff now >:3

with this release, a couple changes to the command line stuff are here. type open front to open the discord client, and type open editor to open the editor. as of right now, the front end needs to be open for the bot to be online. this will change, don't worry ^w^ also, the editor will update in real time, so any changes you make to the blocks will be reflected immediately.

while block based coding is there now, there's 2 problems that will be fixed in the upcoming releases: there's no way of saving your code, and the blocks aren't intuitive. go to discordjs for documentation on the event objects

as always, report any bugs in the github bug tracker, and have fun :3

First release, ish

10 Jan 05:42
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thanks for checking out this project! in this first release there's no interactivity, but that will start up in the next 2 releases.

to use, clone the repo or download the source files and run npm install in the folder. that should install all the dependencies, and then you can execute start.bat and get started!


  • while this uses a web browser for the front end, the front end does not connect to the internet at all. the backend (the nodejs server) connects to discord, but that's it.
  • to edit the frontend stuff, that should all be in /scenes
  • to edit the backend stuff, that should be in botLogic.js
  • app.js handles connecting the frontend to the backend, registering the pages, and running the colland line stuff.
  • to recompile sass (located in /scss) run compile.bat

thank you once again for checking this out, and hopefully i can keep updating this fast lol
please please please report any bugs in the github bug tracker, and have fun :3