Examples demonstrates Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIP) with Apache Camel in OSGi using Blueprint Dependency Injection Container. JUnit tests with CamelBlueprintTestSupport.
Download and install Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers.
Download Karaf 4.1.6
- Install BndTools 4.0.0 plugin. Go to menu Help/EclipseMarketplace type BND in search field and press GO.
- Clone project in workplace and import it as existing project.
# Add Karaf feature repositories
karaf@root()> repo-add camel 2.21.1
karaf@root()> repo-add hawtio
karaf@root()> repo-add activemq 5.15.6
# Add Karaf features
karaf@root()> feature:install camel-core camel-blueprint aries-blueprint aries-blueprint shell-compat hawtio activemq-broker camel-jms
# Add BND remote agent
karaf@root(bundle)> install -s mvn:biz.aQute.bnd/biz.aQute.remote.agent/4.0.0
Run projects from *.bndrun files as BND Native Launcher.