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Undertow Standalone is a micro container running under Undertow core. It just provide an out-of-box structure to initialize your application without writing some bootstraping lines of code.

Don't repeat yourself

Undertow is an amazing web development plataform. It is the current Wildfly core engine, is simple and scalable. Nevertheless, it has no standard way to struture and embed your project.

Here is the default hello world example provided by Undertow documentation.

public class HelloWorldServer {

    public static void main(final String[] args) {
        Undertow server = Undertow.builder()
                .addHttpListener(8080, "localhost")
                .setHandler(new HttpHandler() {
                    public void handleRequest(final HttpServerExchange exchange) throws Exception {
                        exchange.getResponseHeaders().put(Headers.CONTENT_TYPE, "text/plain");
                        exchange.getResponseSender().send("Hello World");

Undertow Standalone aim to save you from the pain of creating its countless lines of code to achieve the your daily web development goals.

public class HelloWorldHandler implements HttpHandler {

	public void handleRequest( HttpServerExchange exchange ) throws Exception {
    exchange.getResponseHeaders().put(Headers.CONTENT_TYPE, "text/plain");
    exchange.getResponseSender().send( "Hello World" );


Intercepting requests

Undertow internally has a simple chain of responsibility where it store its routing design and provide an easy to use DSL. Even so, intercepting requests isn't an easy task to do.

Undertow Standalone provide an easy RequestHook where you can intercept requests, change the HttpServerExchange state and define if the request should go on or not.

public class TraceRequestHook implements RequestHook {

	public void execute( RequestHookChain chain, HttpServerExchange exchange ) throws DrowningException {
	  // Tracing the request
	  String message = exchange.getRequestMethod().toString() + ":" + exchange.getRequestPath(); message );
		// Allowing the next chain of hooks to do its job.
		// If no other RequestHook are available, it will execute the Default Handler

Every request hook is disposed in a chain of responsibility. If a RequestHook does not call chain.executeNext() it will interrupt the request lifecycle. It means that the hook is able to do what it want with the request. RequestHook's are useful to plug external frameworks like RestEasy or a custom template engine like Mustache.

Listening to deployments

It's possible to listen deployments events like onDeploy and onUndeploy.

public class TraceDeploymentHook implements DeploymentHook {

	public void onDeploy( DeploymentContext context ) { "On deploy" );

	public void onUndeploy( DeploymentContext context ) { "On undeploy" );


With DeploymentContext is possible to analyze available classes in Classpath ( through context.availableClasses() ). Its also possible to register new request hooks ( through context.register( new RequestHook { /*...*/ } ) ) and register Undertow HttpHandlers ( through context.register( "/hello/", new HttpHandler { /*...*/ } ) ), providing a full lifecycle to your application.

Installation instructions

Go to Releases and download the last bundled release and unzip it in a nice location.

As a micro container it was designed to contain a single Java application. Your just unzipped undertow folder should contains three directories:

  • bin: which contains scripts to manage undertow
  • lib: where you should put all your dependencies
  • webapp: where you could put all your web assets and resources

Once you deployed your deps and resources, you could start the application as following:

# on linux console environment
# on windows, in powershell console environment
# yes, you should use linux slashes here
sh bin/

Creating a bundle from my maven project



Undertow Standalone need your help to provide the best to the community. Even simple tasks like testing the micro container, finding typos in docs or reporting improvements feedbacks will be welcome.

Community / Support


Undertow Standalone is Apache 2.0 licensed.


Undertow Standalone Micro Container







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