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Recoil React Router

A Recoil binding for React Router requires React 16.8, Recoil 4.0, React Router 6.0 or later


$ npm install --save @lagunovsky/recoil-react-router


  1. install and import @lagunovsky/recoil-react-router
  2. create router instance using makeRouter()
  3. use <RecoilReactRouter router={router} /> instead of <Router/>


To change the current location, you'll want to use one of the following:

  • router.history.push - Pushes a new location onto the history stack
  • router.history.replace - Replaces the current location with another
  • router.history.go - Changes the current index in the history stack by a given delta
  • router.history.back - Navigates one entry back in the history stack
  • router.history.forward - Navigates one entry forward in the history stack



type Router = {
  state: RecoilValue<{ action: Action, location: Location }>
  history: History

function makeRouter(getHistory: () => History = createBrowserHistory, namespace: string = 'router'): Router {}

Creates a routing object that contains the current state of the location and history for manipulating the location


type RouterProps = {
  router: Router
  children?: React.ReactNode
  basename?: string
  static?: boolean

function RecoilReactRouter(props: RouterProps): React.ReactNode {}

Component that synchronizes recoil, history and react-router


A hook that allows to use time travel


import { makeRouter, RecoilReactRouter, useTimeTraveling } from '@lagunovsky/recoil-react-router'
import { createBrowserHistory } from 'history'
import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import { Route, Routes } from 'react-router'
import { RecoilRoot, useRecoilValue } from 'recoil'

const router = makeRouter()


function Page() {
  const { location } = useRecoilValue(router.state)
  return (

function App() {
  useTimeTraveling() // if you want to use time travel

  return (
    <RecoilReactRouter router={router}>
        <Route path={'*'} element={<Page/>}/>

ReactDOM.render(<RecoilRoot children={<App/>}/>, document.getElementById('app'))