cincau was a minimalist, fast and high configurable web framework for LuaJIT on mnet or openresty.
using LuaRocks, and show help
$ luarocks install cincau
$ cincau
$ Usage: cincau [mnet|nginx] /tmp/demo
then create a demo project in /tmp/demo
, using mnet as network engine
$ cincau mnet /tmp/demo
version: cincau/0.10.20220924
create cincau demo project with:
core_dir: /Users/lalawue/rocks/share/lua/5.1/cincau/
proj_dir: /tmp/demo
engine_type: mnet
mkdir -p /tmp/demo/tmp
mkdir -p /tmp/demo/logs
cp -af /Users/lalawue/rocks/share/lua/5.1/cincau//scaffold/demo/* /tmp/demo
cp -af /Users/lalawue/rocks/share/lua/5.1/cincau//scaffold/mnet/app_config.mooc /tmp/demo/app//app_config.mooc
cp -af /Users/lalawue/rocks/share/lua/5.1/cincau//scaffold/mnet/ /tmp/demo/devop/
enter demo project dir, just
$ cd /tmp/demo
$ ./devop/ [ start | stop | reload ]
then click this link to get the page, try visit documents link.
with mnet engine, you can bundle all required .lua
, .mooc
source and .so
, too easy to update and shipping, just
$ ./devop/build_binary.mooc /tmp/build/
output '/tmp/build/out_20211210_230838.tar.gz' with dir '/tmp/build/build'
the bundling process was controled by ./devop/build_binary.mooc
, when you need more rocks in final bundle from, edit ./devop/proj-scm-1.rockspec
- app/: contains server entry and business logic
- datas/: contains sqlite database, or lua-bitcask data files
- datas/www/: contains static content like html, css, js and images
- config/: only appears in nginx engine type
- logs/: contains running log
- tmp/: for temporary files
config files stores in:
- app/app_config.mooc
- config/nginx.conf (only nginx engine)
- config/mime.types (only nginx engine)
you can modify app/app_config.mooc
, set debug_on = true, to disable controllers, views cache.
demo use APItools/router.lua for routing, you can add your own route in app/app_router.lua
when you create a new page, first consider which URL it will use, then add a URL match in router.
for example:
Router:get("/doc/:name/", function(config, req, response, params)" '%s'",
pageRedirect("/404.html", config, req, response)
then visit with curl
$ curl
and logger will output
[info] 2022-10-30 00:11:23 app_router.lua 'hello'
[info] 2022-10-30 00:11:23 app_router.lua Redirect to /404.html
the demo project support static content, root directory locates in datas/www/
dir, when you visit
will return static content datas/www/index.html
dir also contains other html, css, javascript files.
the demo project is quite simple, mostly require server-side rendering, an old school technology.
demo using MVC (model view controller) pattern , here we call controller as page, and page contains html representation and business logic.
each client request going through these steps below:
- http server parse raw data into http method, path, headers and body content
- router match http path to proper page to process
- page is the center for business logic, using model data and view template to generate html output
- default using template library lua-resty-template
- response HTML to client
see app/pages/page_doc.mooc
, and more complicate example is app/pages/page_playground.lua
the demo project also provide a SPA page example, with container app/pages/wiki/page_wiki.lua
and data backend app/pages/wiki/page_wikidata.lua
you can visit to create you own wiki pages, there are some examples in wiki index page.
the demo project also provide a chat room exmaple, with container app/pages/chat/page_chat.mooc
and data backend app/pages/chat/page_chatdata.mooc
you can visit to play in chat room.
default provide SQLite, lua-bitcask and Redis connection support.
as a minimalist web framework, the bundle provide Lua4DaysORM for SQLite3 ORM.
you can try playground post text in db
, it will store data in SQLite3.
the bundle provide Redis with lua-resp or lua-bitcask.
you can try playground try 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' text in db
, default using lua-bitcask, you can uncomment _redis_options in model_playground.lua to use redis.
the demo project support multiprocess under MacOS/Linux, in app/app_config.mooc
's config.multiprocess section, you can remove this section for running in single process.
some technical detail about POST method, query DNS, and raise HTTP Request for mnet engine type, for nginx engine type should use other implementation for these.
take look at demo project, run and click playground link.
details about implement POST data, POST "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
or POST "multipart/form-data"
, refers to controller page_playground.lua.
POST "multipart/form-data"
example only appears for mnet engine type.
like POST something, run and click playground link, usage:
local mediator = require("cincau.bridge.mediator") -- only provided for mnet engine_type
local ipv4 = mediator.queryDomain(domain)
only for mnet engine type.
recommand using lua-curl.
thanks people build useful libraries below, some are MIT License, or with no license from github.
- golgote/neturl, URL and Query string parser, builder, normalizer for Lua
- APItools/router.lua, A barebones router for Lua. It matches urls and executes lua functions.
- mpx/lua-cjson, Lua CJSON is a fast JSON encoding/parsing module for Lua
- cyx/cookie.lua, basic cookie building / parsing for lua
- Tieske/date, Date & Time module for Lua 5.x
- Tieske/uuid, A pure Lua uuid generator (modified from a Rackspace module)
- jsolman/luajit-mime-base64, Fast Mime base64 encoding and decoding implemented in LuaJIT
- hamishforbes/lua-ffi-zlib
- pkulchenko/serpent, Lua serializer and pretty printer
- bungle/lua-resty-template, Templating Engine (HTML) for Lua and OpenResty.
- ers35/luastatic, Build a standalone executable from a Lua program.
- lalawue/m_net, cross platform network library, support LuaJIT's pull style API, using epoll/kqueue/wepoll underlying.
- lalawue/lua-resp, resp from
- lalawue/ffi-http1-session, LuaJIT HTTP/WebSocket parser with pull-style api
- lalawue/mooncake, A Swift like program language compiles into Lua
- lalawue/Lua4DaysORM, Lua 4Days ORM for sqlite3