This is a Vue 3 + Webpack 5 boilerplate project, which might help you to have a fast initialization of a brand new App. This boilerplate deliver to you a base project with the following pre-configurated libraries:
- Vue 3
- Webpack 5
- Babel
- Bulma
- Sass Loader
- Storybook
- Jest
- Vue Test Utils
- Faker.js
- Husky
- Lint Staged
- ESLint
- Vue Router
- Axios
It is on the roadmap:
- Pinia
- i18n
$ yarn install // to install dependencies
$ yarn start // to start the project in development mode
$ yarn storybook // start the storybook
$ yarn test // run jest once
$ yarn test:watch // run jest in watch mode
$ yarn test:ci // run jest and collect the test coverage
$ yarn build // to generate the bundle in production mode
You are not obligated to follow project scaffolding. The structure contained within "src" can be modified, what we have there is just an example of how you can organize your project. Just be careful with the folder "src/http" and "src/router" because of the configuration made in "src/index.js".
All content in "src/components" and "src/modules" can be erased as they are just a proof of concept that the settings made are working correctly.
Issues and Pull requests are welcome ❤️