This is a research project.
A compiler and synthesizer with
- Dataflow parallelism analysis
- Features from FP to be dataflow-friendly
- High-level synthesis
- Multi-stage programming.
flowchart TD
Parse --> TypeCheck[Type Checking]
TypeCheck --> CSE[Common Subexpression Elimination]
CSE --> DPA[Dataflow Parallelism Analysis]
DPA --> MMP[Monomorphization]
MMP --> Opt[Optimized rich IR]
Opt --> Compile
Opt --> Transpile
Opt -->|FSM| Timing[Timing / Sequence Analysis]
Opt -->|Stateless| Synthesis
Timing --> Synthesis
Transpile --> MCode
Compile --> Codegen
Codegen --> MCode[Machine Code]
Synthesis --> RTL[FSM / Combinational RTL]
MCode --> CPU[CPU with ILP / TLP]
// Pure combinational logic.
// Time: 0 step.
fn ALU(operands: Array<Nat, 2>, op: Op) -> Nat {
let a = operands[0];
let b = operands[1];
match op {
Op::Add => a + b,
Op::Sub => a - b,
Op::Mul => a * b,
struct Packet {
id: Nat<8>
// Sequential logic.
// Time: `$quotient` steps. [UNDECIDABLE]
// Result: (isInvalid, quotient, remainder)
fn Divide(dividend: Nat, divisor: Nat) -> (Nat<1>, Nat, Nat) {
match divisor {
0 => (1, 0, 0), // Invalid divisor.
_ => {
let mut remainder = dividend;
let mut quotient = 0;
// FSM must be guaranteed to halt.
// Overflow analysis is required.
while divisor < remainder {
// Adding or subtracting zero is not allowed when the loop condition depends on it.
// Explicitly branch the situation.
remainder = remainder - divisor;
quotient = quotient + 1;
(0, quotient, remainder)
This package aims to provide a unified AST structure for all types of parsers and kinds of syntax.
I think the syntax that from LALRPOP is generic for LL, LALR and PEG. So I'm keeping the LALRPOP descriptions here.
I'm considering build a PEG parser generator which continuously use the LALRPOP syntax as the language form description language.
I think LALRPOP and Tree-sitter are enough.