ROS pkg for aerial manipulators used on kopterworx
Currently configured for the ASAP
manipulator which has quite simple configuration.
You can start real robot by running following commands:
Run real robot (motor controllers) with:
roslaunch dynamixel_workbench_controllers arm_dynamixel_controllers.launch
Run moveit without gazebo as follows:
roslaunch uam_moveit_config demo_gazebo.launch real_robot:="true" gazebo:="false"
Run correct moveit as follows:
roslaunch uam_moveit_config demo.launch
After running kopterworx with the aerial manipulator from ardupilot_gazebo
If you want to edit spawn pose of the robot manipulator, edit demo_gazebo.launch
Currently docker misses some dependencies so it is neccessary to install them by hand as follows:
sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-topic-tools \
ros-noetic-controller-manager \
ros-noetic-rviz \
ros-noetic-moveit \
After that run:
source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash cd /root/catkin_ws catkin build
And then you can run
roslaunch uam_ros_pkg uam_ros_ctl.launch
- Enable simple control of the real manipulator (remapping moveit trajectory)
- Write simple control node for the manipulator in the ROS pkg
- Add joint limits
- Change planner
- Test moveit movement
- Enable
- Publish end effector position on the topic
- Added topic relay for the moveit (state publishing)
- Test with different planning frame on the UAV
- Test with moveit servo
- Filter out topics that are needed, and ones that are not!
- Enable joint commands
- Add functionality for simple trajectory execution
- Test on real UAM (real manipulator)