- is a passion project founded by myself and built up by various developers that have come onto Alephium to build.
ALPHpacas is a token with roughly ~11 million circulating with no inital ICO (all airdropped or giveaways); our main attractions are:
Token Creator
- create a token on Alephium
Gamify Protocol
- taking regular nfts and giving them gamefi elements for the masses (in development)
Alpaca Loans
- create hi-risk (~high apy) loans or liquid loans (lower risk) to create a strategic financial position and or create a leveraged position
Walf Protocol
- convert 1 OG ALF into its wrapped variant
Wang Wrapper
- convert group 2 wang over into group 0
Besides being cute, cuddly and collectible ALPHpacas represent being an early member of the Alephium community and will always be the first priority with any of the games we make.
larkben - smart contract developer and average web developer (cofounder of ALPHaga NFT Marketplace)
overgames - talented backend and frontend web developer (cofounder of ALPHaga NFT Marketplace)
- When forking this code, attempting to deploy it, or alter it. You are to become responsible for it and if it should not work properly. This could lead to losses in which you but not I would be responsible for. Furthermore by using our Dapp you confirm that you will comply with all rules in the area you live. We are not responsible for rules broken in the area you live.
- When using our dapps be sure to only use the appropriate sites. In this case.
. Any other URL should be considered a scam.
- We do not track IPs and or perform specific targeted data collection.
(running bytecode raw) ?
testing (token decimals, fees accural)
liquidation control bot
beta on mainnet