This bash script can manage multiple git repos in same git dir. I use this script mantain .net website. One repo for source control, and one for deploy(only contains complined files and resource file).
./git-shadow install
git shadow init <shadow-repo>
git shadow add *
git shadow status
git clone <url>
cd <target-project-dir>
git shadow clone <git-repo> <shadow-repo-url>
Install: ./git-shadow install
Usage: git shadow [shadow command]
or: git shadow [git command]
Git shadow commands:
install install this script
uninstall remove this script from system
init [repo] init shadow repo and set as default
clone [repo] [url] create shadow repo from remote
current [repo] set default repo
current list all shadow repos
- [Windows Only] you should reinstall
./git-shadow install
to update this script manually while you get new version.