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Binyamin Laukstein edited this page Jun 8, 2016 · 4 revisions

Install steps

  1. Large icon, title, subtitle and single Install button
  2. Install form
    • Add checkbox for option to avoid "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS"
    • Debug mode with explained options
      • Modify debug mode IPs
  3. Define admin email, check mailto() use Mailgun API to send congratulation email after successful installation

After installed

  1. When lost database connection, send automatic error report to admin email
    • Display UI with option to send generated URL for reinstall to admin email

Debug mode

  1. Response simulator for pages and API


  1. Firefox OS compatibility
  2. Manifest apps,
  3. Web Storage
  4. IndexedDB


  1. While /history returns 200, still prefetched URL /api/history can return error and click back on /history would return not the same content, but the error page
  2. On small device vertical screen orientation
    • Avoid verctical scoll
    • Implement dynamic content swipe right-left
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