- Think Work Observe (tags tbc)
- Ines Cox (tags tbc)
- Per Törnberg (tags tbc)
- Lust (tags tbc)
- Studio Moniker (tags tbc)
- Michael Willis (tags tbc)
- Julia (tags tbc)
- Eric Hu (tags tbc)
- Mirko Borsche (tags tbc)
- The Entente (tags tbc)
- Studio Christopher West (tags tbc)
- OK-RM (tags tbc)
- Bureau Collective (tags tbc)
- Inventory (tags tbc)
- Made Thought (tags tbc)
- Andrew McCarthy (tags tbc)
- Jon Kyle (tags tbc)
- Rita Matos (tags tbc)
- Philip Cronerud (tags tbc)
- Research and Development (tags tbc)
- Future Corp (Art direction, web design)
- Europa (Studio, graphic design)
- Kevin Zwweerink (Student, graphic design, web development)
- Kia Tasbihgou (Recent graduate, design, type, web design)
- Martí Peérez Palau (Art direction, design, XL recordings)
- Lukas Ackermann (Graphic design, graduate)
- Studio Mut (Poster design, colourful)
- Max Prediger (German, design and typography)
Fonts (More at typesample)
- Lennard Kok
- John Pound – cartoons drawn from code
- http://blog.thisiscatalogue.co.uk/ (Design blog)
- http://designvalu.es/ (Thoughts on best design practices from Berger & Fohr)
- http://silviolorusso.com/ (Experimental publishing informed by digital technology, etc.)
- http://www.frankchimero.com/talks/the-webs-grain/transcript/ (On web design, Frank Chimero)
- http://frankchimero.com/library/ (Bunch of books to read)
- Brand Colors (A catalogue of brand hexes)
- Fontello (For creating icon font files)
- Colorable (For understanding legibility of different colour combinations)
- Stack Editor (Edit markdown in the browser, with live rendering)
- RGB.to (Get all the colours)
Type foundries
Web development
- Brian Watterson
- James Chambers
- Samuel Reed
- John D. Jameson (web typography and front end)
- http://edouardmalingue.com/ (nice custom type, simple layout)
- http://alltomorrows.no/#/ (minimal, black & white)
- http://thegreensoccerjournal.com/ (Great interaction design for editorial)
- http://www.b--i--g.com/ (Split screen site with cool index)
- http://mmmatt.com/ (Moving image with full screen video and hover on/off credits/menu)
- http://wxg.co.uk/ (black & white, sliding drawers, great type) (via here)
- http://thespaces.com/ (Nice article sidebar which follows you as you scroll down)
- http://averyreview.com/ (Novel and useful navigation, with great typography - by Eric Hu)
- http://www.mohsinlondon.com/ (Extended type)
- http://foodstudio.no/ (Clean site, with considered type. Splash/landing gallery is good)
- http://marfajournal.com/ (Interesting use of fixed backgrounds and colour)
- http://opensource.london/ (Stretching and squeezing big B&W type)
- http://work.co/ (The preview grid for the menu is awesome)
- https://loop.ableton.com/ (Text masking on gradient)
- http://www.textfiles.com/ufo/
- http://codepen.io/jakealbaugh/full/PwLXXP/ (Pen that seemingly codes itself, not in an A.I. way though)
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6E1ipW1WrA (Ill Studio directed short on Augmented Reality)
NB: This will be sparse to begin with, need to find time to get all my browser bookmarks in here