Releases: lavanet/lava
Releases Β· lavanet/lava
Lava v5.2.1 π
New Features
- 31a59f6: feat: PRT - protocol version upgrade for 5.2.1 (@ranlavanet)
- 1225fb3: feat: add tron specs (@a0ngo)
- d9f1102: feat: added Doge specs (@fbjohnny)
Bug fixes
- ff6a908: fix: PRT - add verification directive for Avalanche specs (@ranlavanet)
- 3b2bc05: fix: PRT - fix reconnect attempt on retry from blocked providers (@ranlavanet)
- d3102a6: fix: PRT - hash parsing fix on tendermintrpc (@ranlavanet)
- ca8997c: fix: PRT - minor fix to UTXO specs. (@ranlavanet)
- 3a629d4: fix: added disabled debug methods (@fbjohnny)
- efb4fa3: fix: populate telgram alerting options ( <>)
- 1120c08: fix: remove parse directive from trxt (@a0ngo)
Other work
- f859d07: add cache skip (@ranlavanet)
- 544622f: add maximum telegram message handling ( <>)
- 362c54e: add sonic spec (@oren-lava)
- 0655a02: added missing disabled method (@fbjohnny)
- eeb9087: adding logs (@ranlavanet)
- 6fd25d9: change extensions to 127 blocks ( <>)
- c8c76d9: error printing ( <>)
- 3ed59b1: fix (@oren-lava)
- 7ea7564: fix a sneakybug (@ranlavanet)
- db4aac9: fix size issue ( <>)
- de4b719: lintiya (@ranlavanet)
- f0bf494: retry lint because it fails on environment setups. (@ranlavanet)
- ead264a: specify a version on lint (@ranlavanet)
- e631a63: undo init chain changes (@ranlavanet)
- 28a9618: using package const ( <>)
Lava v5.2.0 π
Other work
- 3fd90ad: add debug print (@oren-lava)
- 17c48a3: add handler ( <>)
- e64e85c: added litecoin specs (@fbjohnny)
- c8db926: feay: increase protocol version to v5.2.0 ( <>)
- 68a677f: fix (@oren-lava)
- 18875b2: fix lint (@oren-lava)
- d2d9467: fix lint (@oren-lava)
- 15f849a: migrator (@oren-lava)
- 8992166: remove vault metadata (@oren-lava)
- 4262e5f: safely migrate ( <>)
Lava v5.1.1 π
New Features
- d8b16f9: feat: PRT - adding a auto adjustment tier test to provider optimizer. (#1952) (@ranlavanet)
- 0e1bc06: feat: PRT - hotfix for eth_call archive requirements on historical data (@ranlavanet)
Other work
- 3e23422: adding documentation (@ranlavanet)
- 5cc39cb: change TxsResults type ( <>)
- 0bd5af7: fix ( <>)
- b8f8101: fix merges ( <>)
- 846ae89: fix spec (@ranlavanet)
- 99f79d2: init ( <>)
- 898f16a: lint ( <>)
- 03a13cb: now it is lava format info ( <>)
- adb1a40: remove log (@ranlavanet)
- 68920a6: remove prints ( <>)
- b1f7604: rename v50client to hybrid client. (@ranlavanet)
- 76ddd90: save statequery inst ( <>)
- 91d8e40: working new hybrid client with both v47 and v50 (@ranlavanet)
Lava v5.1.0 π
New Features
- 3755517: feat: PRT - Add QOS reputation for static providers. (@ranlavanet)
- 747fc3c: feat: PRT - UTXO spec base (@ranlavanet)
- 41aa0f4: feat: PRT - add UTXO support on protocol side. do not omit empty nil errors / results. (#1948) (@ranlavanet)
- e51ea6f: feat: PRT - provider verifications on probing (@ranlavanet)
- 6a2a525: feat: PRT - reducing retry timeout to 1 second In order to increase stability (@ranlavanet)
Bug fixes
- 52e3f89: fix: PRT - eth client upgrade to latest version. (@ranlavanet)
- 2a72167: fix: PRT - fix a provider optimizer issue where PENDING/SAFE/FINALIZED were returning errors. (@ranlavanet)
- c8037ca: fix: PRT - git timestamp issue resolved v4 / v5 (@ranlavanet)
Other work
- 8b812ed: Finished feature. (@ranlavanet)
- 23fdd45: Fix unitest statistically failing (@ranlavanet)
- 5d0c63d: Update protocol/rpcprovider/testing.go (@shleikes)
- db406c6: WIP (@ranlavanet)
- 2fd2957: add ChainNotify as WS API (@oren-lava)
- 99f8671: add WS-ONLY to filecoin (@ranlavanet)
- 379fc70: add new test (@ranlavanet)
- 486e060: add script to get all reputation per chain (@oren-lava)
- edbfa9b: add telegram bot to lavap health ( <>)
- b837413: added btc specs (@fbjohnny)
- 4d9a648: added jailed providers ( <>)
- c15d592: added mainnet (@oren-lava)
- 43ed65d: added worldchain specs (@fbjohnny)
- 7875fba: adding more info for unitest (@ranlavanet)
- a691921: apply params change (@ranlavanet)
- 1a10b62: cache valid (@ranlavanet)
- 6f38606: eladx (@ranlavanet)
- ceb3b0c: fix (@oren-lava)
- 198bd57: fix (@ranlavanet)
- 6706317: fix (@ranlavanet)
- 50d3e26: fix btc spec (@ranlavanet)
- f2dca2c: fix btc spec (@ranlavanet)
- 97a21de: fix chainid ( <>)
- 0abd6d8: fix e2e (@ranlavanet)
- 09ad5d9: fix inich (@oren-lava)
- 924892c: fix lint (@ranlavanet)
- 789577d: fix lint (@ranlavanet)
- 1125698: fix percentile calc (@oren-lava)
- ed86b03: fix test (@ranlavanet)
- bace354: fix test (@ranlavanet)
- f622c9b: fix test. (@ranlavanet)
- e7408c9: (@ranlavanet)
- 7ceb5a0: lints (@ranlavanet)
- 3ea29b9: migrate to safe sync map (@ranlavanet)
- e028388: new version v5.1.0 (@oren-lava)
- b403da5: pr changes ( <>)
- 637e5f8: remove the test since the alerting is using telegram directly ( <>)
- 356286c: update (@ranlavanet)
- 2a1d8c4: update protoc (@ranlavanet)
- eb93988: updated bitcoin directives (@fbjohnny)
- a16f156: updated bitcoin testnet (@fbjohnny)
Lava v5.0.0 π
New Features
- 97ff6f7: feat: Added show-provider-address-in-metrics flag for provider metrics (@fbjohnny)
- b8ad0b9: feat: PRT - add custom chain fetcher for Solana WIP (@ranlavanet)
- 75d0bb1: feat: PRT - adding a better indicative error on chain router misconfiguration (@ranlavanet)
- adb012d: feat: PRT - static provider bug fix. (@ranlavanet)
Bug fixes
- c727223: fix: PRT - fix a statistical test failing over delta (@ranlavanet)
Other work
- 549cf12: @shleikes PR changes (@ranlavanet)
- af61404: @shleikes This is for you (@ranlavanet)
- 45aa21e: Add lock protection to score store (@ranlavanet)
- 06c79f2: Add more info to epoch mismatch issue (@ranlavanet)
- a142c3a: Add some more tests (@shleikes)
- b24e944: Add test for QoSManager (@shleikes)
- f4eadfa: Added support for SVM and custom chain trackers. (@ranlavanet)
- 03ceff2: Adding endpoints support for auth (@ranlavanet)
- 16d976b: Another fix (@shleikes)
- 95fb038: CNS-1002: collect raw qos data (@oren-lava)
- a6c389b: CNS-1002: fix isHangingApi arg (@oren-lava)
- 618c0ab: CNS-1002: report qos excellence for reputation only if consumer geo == provider geo (@oren-lava)
- 47a5a69: CNS-1003: add reputation pairing score functions (@oren-lava)
- c047f2d: CNS-1003: add small comment (@oren-lava)
- e79b17c: CNS-1003: add stake to reputation and remove ref indices (@oren-lava)
- 40f8187: CNS-1003: implemented reputation (@oren-lava)
- 6302237: CNS-1003: install collections (@oren-lava)
- 351ce37: CNS-1003: make default QoS score zero (@oren-lava)
- 68b1c3f: CNS-1003: minor changes (@oren-lava)
- cd3db87: CNS-1003: minor changes (@oren-lava)
- 9535548: CNS-1003: rename providerQosFs to reputationsFS (@oren-lava)
- 8613a69: CNS-1003: revert change in (@oren-lava)
- 1a599a0: CNS-1004: add stake check in unit test (@oren-lava)
- 32a544c: CNS-1004: add stake to reputation (@oren-lava)
- 8a34d74: CNS-1004: fix after merge (@oren-lava)
- 54a0136: CNS-1004: implement qos excellence score aggregation from relay payments (@oren-lava)
- 994e762: CNS-1004: minor adds (@oren-lava)
- e3f0183: CNS-1004: unit tests (@oren-lava)
- 82faf7f: CNS-1005: add support for reputation pairing req (currently disabled) (@oren-lava)
- 820f179: CNS-1005: fix error comments (@oren-lava)
- 44f6f9b: CNS-1005: implement decay factor (@oren-lava)
- ce24252: CNS-1005: make higher pairing score for lower QoS score and make functions public (@oren-lava)
- 7bf01ba: CNS-1005: partial unit tests (@oren-lava)
- f4eb857: CNS-1005: remove redundant func (@oren-lava)
- 36c47b3: CNS-1005: small fixes (@oren-lava)
- 1215c13: CNS-1005: unit tests (@oren-lava)
- 883c25c: CNS-1005: update reputation on epoch start and set repuation pairing scores (@oren-lava)
- a160860: CNS-1006: impelemnted queries and partial unit test (@oren-lava)
- 37cd180: CNS-1006: small adjustments and README update (@oren-lava)
- d452aff: CNS-1006: small fix and added unit test (@oren-lava)
- 8fe023d: CNS-1008: add metrics (@oren-lava)
- 93ced34: CNS-1008: add safety checks when ScoreStore updates (@oren-lava)
- e6c84d0: CNS-1008: added latency CU factor to ScoreStore config (@oren-lava)
- 906dc6e: CNS-1008: adding "_Refactor" prefix to score store (@oren-lava)
- 630adc4: CNS-1008: fix imports (@oren-lava)
- a0080ba: CNS-1008: fix small test (@oren-lava)
- 4615c75: CNS-1008: implemented new QoS compute (@oren-lava)
- c3e9b04: CNS-1008: implemented new ScoreStore (@oren-lava)
- 66a0a93: CNS-1008: make availability score store never return zero from Resolve() + minor test fix (@oren-lava)
- 797e1bb: CNS-1008: minor fixes (@oren-lava)
- e5d9415: CNS-1008: remove raw qos and add selection tier documentation (@oren-lava)
- cd6854a: CNS-1008: revert raw qos report code (@oren-lava)
- 1df9f1b: CR Fix: Cleaner code (@shleikes)
- 3f73d73: Chain tracker log severity change from debug -> trace (@shleikes)
- 9048478: Fix QoS test (@shleikes)
- a50b54a: Fix TODO (@shleikes)
- d08339d: Fix TODO again (@shleikes)
- a6c2edb: Fix TestReportsClientFlows (@shleikes)
- 0d391af: Fix a bug where static provider won't use relay metrics (@shleikes)
- d63add8: Fix a race in the QoSManager (@shleikes)
- 670200d: Fix a small bug (@shleikes)
- fc67e26: Fix another bug (@shleikes)
- 54530b6: Fix finalization as well (@shleikes)
- 21cb826: Fix lint (@shleikes)
- 039f9f4: Fix solana fallback, to use cache (@shleikes)
- 429d10c: Fix some locks (@shleikes)
- 251f17e: Fix the rest (@shleikes)
- 841f047: Fix two different bugs (@shleikes)
- 8ff1a52: Fix update epoch on static providers only (@shleikes)
- 0f0a461: Fix very big bug (@shleikes)
- 34aaf8e: Log clean (@shleikes)
- d0b4279: Move flag name to cobra.Common (@shleikes)
- 62eb5c0: PR fixes (@oren-lava)
- b60acc7: Post merge fix (@shleikes)
- 6080e55: QoS Managet mutations queue (@shleikes)
- d15b4aa: QoSReport -> QoSManager (@shleikes)
- 1ee0c1f: Race condition between score stores fixed. dropping the scores which are older. (@ranlavanet)
- bc97cc5: Remove obsolete QoS Raw (@shleikes)
- 4c0e718: Remove redundant test (@shleikes)
- 21e68cd: Remove trace and bundler from CELO spec (@shleikes)
- efdcb48: Rename (@shleikes)
- aa9c827: Rename QoSExcellence/Excellence β Reputation in protocol (@shleikes)
- dbe6fae: Revert debug line from test (@shleikes)
- 0e90ee5: Revery waiting another block in init_payment_e2e (@shleikes)
- ecc9455: Save test for later (@shleikes)
- 1e85a9f: Small fix (@shleikes)
- 3282a0d: Small refactor (@shleikes)
- 11d57f7: Small rename (@shleikes)
- efb866b: Some fixes to QoS mutators and tests (@shleikes)
- c08f00c: Summery -> Summary (@ranlavanet)
- 77f1a9b: Update ecosystem/cache_populator/scripts/ (@ranlavanet)
- 337bbe1: Update go version to match toolchain rule (@shleikes)
- cd94ab8: a small just in case fix (@ranlavanet)
- 7aa3a54: add comments ( <>)
- 3acd837: add handler ( <>)
- 6252272: add metrics for refactored optimizer (@oren-lava)
- 17166c6: add tier chances to report (@oren-lava)
- c1aebf7: added TODOs (@omerlavanet)
- 61d17c7: added comments ( <>)
- 6eab53c: added tier to optimizer report metrics (@oren-lava)
- 66c6cb6: adding a more indicative errors (@ranlavanet)
- 2d37d0b: adding connector capabilities for ws auth (@ranlavanet)
- 9aacb6b: adding more info (@ranlavanet)
- 7a1988f: adding websocket capability adding websocket headers on connection (@ranlavanet)
- ee83e01...
Lava v4.2.7 π
New Features
- 97ff6f7: feat: Added show-provider-address-in-metrics flag for provider metrics (@fbjohnny)
- b8ad0b9: feat: PRT - add custom chain fetcher for Solana (@ranlavanet)
Other work
- 736ee85: 4.2.4 (@ranlavanet)
- f4eadfa: Added support for SVM and custom chain trackers. (@ranlavanet)
- 1df9f1b: CR Fix: Cleaner code (@shleikes)
- 3f73d73: Chain tracker log severity change from debug -> trace (@shleikes)
- 0d391af: Fix a bug where static provider won't use relay metrics (@shleikes)
- 21cb826: Fix lint (@shleikes)
- 039f9f4: Fix solana fallback, to use cache (@shleikes)
- 841f047: Fix two different bugs (@shleikes)
- c6246b5: Merge commit 'e4b610f40c4811f1065f5b10cb8975c200e92148' into PRT-version-4-1-3-release-with-experimental-hf (@ranlavanet)
- e2c8109: Merge tag 'v4.2.4' into PRT-lavap-4-2-7 (@ranlavanet)
- d0b4279: Move flag name to cobra.Common (@shleikes)
- 21e68cd: Remove trace and bundler from CELO spec (@shleikes)
- efdcb48: Rename (@shleikes)
- 6563245: Set protocol version to 4.2.1 (@shleikes)
- 3282a0d: Small refactor (@shleikes)
- 11d57f7: Small rename (@shleikes)
- 18c395b: add one year to all periodic accounts that have not started yet ( <>)
- b0b3a9e: adding experimental feature. (@ranlavanet)
- 9aacb6b: adding more info (@ranlavanet)
- a72ae9d: create solana script (@ranlavanet)
- 59f8d14: fix again (@ranlavanet)
- ae59178: fix solana spec with subscriptions (@ranlavanet)
- 07bdddd: fix unit test (@oren-lava)
- e41ad2e: fix v3 (@ranlavanet)
- 7657057: handle multiple subscribe parse directives (@oren-lava)
- e4b610f: hotfix v3.1.5-near (@ranlavanet)
- 2e715d9: increase protocol version (@ranlavanet)
Lava v4.2.6 π
Lava v4.2.5 π
What's Changed
- feat: PRT - adding trace methods to ethereum by @ranlavanet in #1867
- fix: Fix docker build step by @nimrod-teich in #1870
- feat: add pool-rewards-breakdown command by @omerlavanet in #1866
- feat: Added lava_consumer_overall_health_breakdown metric by @fbjohnny in #1873
- fix: dealing with 100% commission by @oren-lava in #1876
- fix: PRT - Fix scripts and README by @shleikes in #1875
- feat: FB - Add lava_consumer_overall_health_breakdown metric by @shleikes in #1874
- feat: PRT - Adding a flag to specify how many providers are wanted in each tier by @ranlavanet in #1872
- fix: estimate rewards query returns wrong estimations by @oren-lava in #1871
- chore: PRT - adding examples configurations for providers to use on mainnet. by @ranlavanet in #1880
- feat: PRT - Add provider endpoint to metrics by option by @shleikes in #1881
- fix: Fixed to correct version GO 1.23.0 by @semalis in #1885
- feat: PRT - added a flag to allow chains with lower amount of providers run with more distributed providers into tiers. by @ranlavanet in #1884
- fix: PRT - fix health and test commands removing WS panic. by @ranlavanet in #1886
- fix: PRT - Fix debug and trace addons on Avalanche by @shleikes in #1887
- feat: Reputation: CNS-1001 - Repuration params by @oren-lava in #1601
- fix: PRT - Fix Arbitrum with arbtrace addon by @shleikes in #1888
- chore: PRT - Update protocol version to 4.2.5 by @shleikes in #1890
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v4.2.4...v4.2.5
Lava v4.2.4 π
Lava v4.2.3 π
New Features
- 1f8255f: feat: PRT - golang cache populator cmd (@ranlavanet)
Bug fixes
- 59fe945: fix: PRT - fixing rest APIs that require event parsing such as txs returning HTML body. (@ranlavanet)
Other work
What's Changed
- feat: PRT - golang cache populator cmd by @ranlavanet in #1861
- feat: add arbitrum trace apis by @Yaroms in #1854
- fix: PRT - fixing rest APIs that require event parsing such as txs returning HTML body. by @ranlavanet in #1863
Full Changelog: v4.2.2...v4.2.3