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OSLC FMI Adapter

    24 July 2016
    Vorachet Jaroensawas, Koneksys ([email protected])
    Axel Reichwein, Koneksys ([email protected])
    Hubertus Tummeshceit ([email protected])

Table of Contents

1. Summary
2. Understanding OSLC FMI Adapter Components
3. Building OSLC FMI Adapter
    3.1 Building and Testing C component (optional)
        3.1.1 To build FMIClient from a terminal command line in Linux or Mac
            To build FMI Library source
            To run FMIClient build script for Mac
            To run FMIClient build script for Linux
            To install the executable files of FMIClient into OSLC FMI adapter java project
        3.1.2 To build FMIClient from the Developer Command Prompt for VS2013 in Windows To run FMIClient build script for Windows
            To install the executable files of FMIClient into OSLC FMI adapter java project
        3.1.3 Run a quick test for the FMIClient from a terminal command line
    3.2 Building and Testing Java components
        3.2.1 Installing OSLC4J
        3.2.2 Importing projects into the Eclipse workspace
        3.2.3 Building the oslc4j-fmi projects
        3.2.4 Running the OSLC FMI Adapter with sample FMUs
            Option1: Running the OSLC FMI Adapter using Embedded Tomcat
            Option2: Deploying the OSLC FMI Adapter on a Tomcat server Configuring repository of FMU files
            The settings of
        3.2.5 Testing the OSLC FMI Adapter Manually
            Testing the retrieval of OSLC resources in HTML
            Testing the retrieval of OSLC resources in RDF
        3.2.6 Testing the OSLC FMI Adapter using JUnit
            Running JUnit Test Suite of OSLC FMI Adapter
4. URI Specifications
5. OSLC FMI Adapter Entity Classes
6. Third party libraries

1. Summary

OSLC4j-FMI is intended as a OSLC adapter for publishing FMUs (Functional Mockup Units) that follow FMI Standard. This version of the library supports FMI 1.0 and FMI 2.0. See The interface was developed for Modelon by Koneksys. The C-language part is based on the open source FMI-Library by Modelon, and the Java-language part on oslc4j by Koneksys.

2. Understanding OSLC FMI Adapter Components

OSLC4J-FMI consists of two parts.

C Component

The OSLC FMI adapter C component uses VISUAL STUDIO COMMUNITY 2013 (see https:// to compile a C program used to interface FMUs for Windows and use GCC for Linux or Mac. List of C project

        Contains FMIClient source and build scripts, FMI Library source and Windows binaries.

Java Components

The OSLC FMI adapter java components use Maven (see for a build automation tool. List of Java projects

        Top-level maven build script
        ECore definition for the OSLC FMI adapter entity classes
        Java entity classes for the OSLC FMI adapter which are generated by oslc4j-fmi-ecore
        JUnit tests and example test clients for the OSLC FMI adapter  
        Java web component for the OSLC FMI adapter

3. Building OSLC FMI Adapter

3.1 Building and Testing C component (optional)

This step is optional because all executable files of the FMIClient on each platform are installed in the following folder. The following directory structure and FMIClient must be available in the com.modelon.oslc.adapter.fmi java project before running the OSLC FMI adapter. By default, the latest version of the FMIClient on each platform is provided.


If you want to build FMIClient from source, use instructions in the next section.

3.1.1 To build FMIClient from a terminal command line in Linux or Mac

CMake (see is used to generate the native build scripts for the FMI Library. CMake 3.3.0 is tested in development of this project on Linux and Mac. For Windows, we use FMI Library binary directly from The recommended version of the FMI Library binaries for Windows and source is2.0.2b3 which are already prepared in com.modelon.oslc.adapter.fmi.cinterface/fmi directory of project. To build FMI Library source

Download FMIL 2.0.2b3 source file from 
and extract to com.modelon.oslc.adapter.fmi.cinterface/fmi/FMILibrary-2.0.2b3-src

git clone
cd com.modelon.oslc.adapter.fmi.cinterface
cd fmi
cd FMILibrary-2.0.2b3-src
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DFMILIB_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install ../ 
make install test

When you successfully build the FMI library, the following folder will be created.


To run FMIClient build script for Mac

cd com.modelon.oslc.adapter.fmi.cinterface/src/FMIClient

The output of the build script will be


To run FMIClient build script for Linux

cd com.modelon.oslc.adapter.fmi.cinterface/src/FMIClient

The output of the build script will be


To install the executable files of FMIClient into OSLC FMI adapter java project

For Mac

com.modelon.oslc.adapter.fmi /conf

For Linux 64 bit

com.modelon.oslc.adapter.fmi /conf

3.1.2 To build FMIClient from the Developer Command Prompt for VS2013 in Windows

VISUAL STUDIO COMMUNITY 2013 is available to download at downloads/download-visual-studio-vs . To prevent common errors in calling cl.exe of the Visual Studio, to use default installation path at "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0" is recommended and make sure Visual C++ and its build tool is available in "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC". The Developer Command Prompt for VS2013 is available in Program Menu > Visual Studio 20130 > Visual Studio Tools To run FMIClient build script for Windows

cd com.modelon.oslc.adapter.fmi.cinterface\src\FMIClient build.bat

The output of the build script build.bat will be


To install the executable files of FMIClient into OSLC FMI adapter java project For Windows 32bit


For Windows 64bit


3.1.3 Run a quick test for the FMIClient from a terminal command line

FMIClient test command line:

FMIClient read <FMUFilePath> <TempFolder>

Example of FMIClient test command line:

FMIClient read FMI1.0_CS_CoupledClutches.fmu c:\temp\
FMIClient read FMI2.0_CS_PID_Controller.fmu c:\temp\


  • is relative or absolute path of a FMU
  • must be created before running the command line

3.2 Building and Testing Java components

Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers is recommended for building the OSLC FMI adapter Java components and running development mode of the adapter. The Eclipse IDE is available to download at

3.2.1 Installing OSLC4J

  1. Follow the instructions to install OSLC4J at

3.2.2 Importing projects into the Eclipse workspace

  1. In Eclipse, import projects from Git. (File -> Import -> Git -> Projects from Git)
  2. Click on the Clone Repository icon
  3. In the URI field, paste the following URL:
  4. The Host and Repository fields will autofill.
  5. Click Next, only select the master branch
  6. Click Next until Finish.
  7. Select a wizard to use for importing projects, only select Import existing Eclipse projects
  8. There are 5 projects including oslc4j-fmi, oslc4j-fmi-build, oslc4j-fmi-cinterface, oslc4j-fmi-ecore, oslc4j-fmi-resources are in the list to be imported.
  9. Select all 5 projects and click Finish
  10. The 5 projects are in the Eclipse Project Explorer

3.2.3 Building the oslc4j-fmi projects

  1. In Eclipse, open the Project Explorer view. (Window -> Show
  2. View -> Project Explorer)
  3. Expand the oslc4j-fmi-build project
  4. Right click pom.xml -> Run As -> Maven clean
  5. Right click pom.xml -> Run As -> Maven install

3.2.4 Running the OSLC FMI Adapter with sample FMUs

The OSLC FMI Adapter provides sample FMU files for each platform which are prepared in the Eclipse project.

Option1: Running the OSLC FMI Adapter using Embedded Tomcat

The Development Mode allows you developing and testing the web application easily through development lifecycle using Eclipse and Maven.

You can also consider this mode as an easiest way to run the OSLC FMI Adapter with the sample FMU files is to run the adapter with the Apache Tomcat Maven Plugin and Embedded Tomcat which are pre-configured in the oslc4j-fmi project.

  1. In Eclipse, open the Project Explorer view. (Window -> Show View -> Project Explorer)
  2. Expand the oslc4j-fmi project
  3. Right click pom.xml -> Run As -> Run Configurations
  4. In Run Configurations Dialog, Right click Maven Build -> New
  5. In the right hand side, Name text input, enter "Run OSLC FMI Adapter".
  6. In the right hand side, Base directory text input, click Browse Workspace and click workspace oslc4j-fmi. After the workspace is clicked, text {workspace_loc:/oslc4j-fmi} should be appeared in the Base directory text input
  7. In the right hand side, Goals text input, enter �tomcat7:run
  8. Click run (Once you create this Maven goal in Eclipse you can simply run it again in Eclipse Run menu icon or Menu Run -> Run History)
  9. After Tomcat is successfully started, open URL http://localhost:8686/oslc4jfmi/services/catalog
Option2: Deploying the OSLC FMI Adapter on a Tomcat server

This section describes steps to deploy the OSLC FMI Adapter with sample FMU files on a Tomcat server.

The differentiation between Development Mode Tomcat Port and Production Mode Tomcat Port: With Development Mode Tomcat, the OSLC FMI adapter service will run on your local machine using port 8686. for development purpose. When you want to deploy the adapter on Production Mode Tomcat, the port of OSLC FMI adapter service will be managed by the Tomcat server configuration. For example, if you running Tomcat on port 8080, so the OSLC FMI adapter service will run on port 8080.

  1. In Eclipse, open the Project Explorer view. (Window -> Show View -> Project Explorer)
  2. Expand the oslc4j-fmi project
  3. Copy the folder named fmi under the conf folder (See section 5 for more detail of the configuration directory)
  4. Paste the folder in the Tomcat installation directory (Example: C:\Program Files\apache-tomcat-8.0.24-windows-x64\apache-tomcat-8.0.24\fmi)
  5. In Eclipse, expand the oslc4-jfmi project
  6. Open the /target folder
  7. Rename the oslc4j-fmi-1.1.0.war file into oslc4jfmi.war
  8. Copy oslc4jfmi.war into the /webapps folder of the of the Tomcat installation directory
  9. tart Tomcat
  10. Open URL http://:/oslc4jfmi/services/catalog
  11. If you running Tomcat on localhost using port 8080, so the URL is http://localhost:8080/oslc4jfmi/services/catalog
Configuring repository of FMU files

The OSLC FMI Adapter allows you to configure the location of FMU files.

By default, the following configuration directory is prepared in the Eclipse project named oslc4j-fmi, so you can run the development mode Tomcat with do nothing. However, you can edit the configuration in oslc4j-fmi/conf/fmi/conf/ if you want to change the location of FMU files.

      /bin/*                   (Binary of FMIClient on each platform)
      /conf/    (Configuration file)
      /fmu/*.fmu               (FMU files)
      /temp/*                  (FMU unzipped files)

In configuring the adapter on production using a standalone Tomcat server, the installation is similar to the Development Mode Tomcat but the configuration directory is located in the Tomcat Installation Directory.

<Tomcat Installation Directory>
  /bin                         (Tomcat bin folder)
  /lib                         (Tomcat lib folder)
  /logs                        (Tomcat logs folder)
  /temp                        (Tomcat temp folder)
  /work                        (Tomcat work folder)
  /webapps                     (Tomcat webapps folder)
     /oslc4jfmi.war            (The deployment package of OSLC FMI adapter)
  /conf                        (The configuration of OSLC FMI adapter)
       /bin/*                  (Binary of FMIClient on each platform)
       /conf/   (Configuration file)
       /fmu/*.fmu              (FMU files)
       /temp/*                 (FMU unzipped files)
The settings of

The OSLC FMI adapter will lookup the location of FMU files in a config file named The configuration contains only one variable.

repository = {Location of FMU repository directory}

Default value: conf/fmi/fmu/ Post-conditions: * the value will be used to look up the location of FMU files

3.2.5 Testing the OSLC FMI Adapter

Testing the retrieval of OSLC resources in HTML
  1. Launch your web browser
  2. In the URL field, If you are running the adapter with Development Mode Tomcat, type http://localhost:8686/oslc4jfmi/services/catalog . If you are running the adapter with Production Mode Tomcat using port 8080, type http://localhost:8080/oslc4jfmi/services/catalog . This will send a HTTP GET request to retrieve the HTML representation of the FMI Service Provider Catalog.
  3. You will then see an HTML page showing you the list of Service Providers. You can browse from the Service Providers to the Services and ultimately to the OSLC FMU resources.
Testing the retrieval of OSLC resources in RDF

This sections requires a Rest client software to get OSLC resources in RDF. The recommended software is Postman that available to download at

The following testing guide uses Postman in Google Chrome browser.

  1. Click on the Postman icon at the top right of the Chrome browser . A new tab will open.
  2. In the URL field, If you are running the adapter with Development Mode Tomcat, type http://localhost:8686/oslc4jfmi/services/catalog . If you are running the adapter with Production Mode Tomcat using port 8080, type http://localhost:8080/oslc4jfmi/services/catalog .
  3. Click on the Headers field to the right of the URL field
  4. Enter Accept in the Header field and application/rdf+xml in the value field
  5. Click Send
  6. This will send a HTTP GET request to retrieve the RDF/XML representation of the sample FMU files as predefined in the configuration directory.

3.2.6 Testing the OSLC FMI Adapter using JUnit Test Suite

Running JUnit Test Suite of OSLC FMI Adapter
  1. In Eclipse, open the Project Explorer view. (Window -> Show View -> Project Explorer)
  2. Make sure the adapter is running before running JUnit test Suite. (See section 3.2.4 option 1)
  3. Expand the oslc4j-fmi-clients project
  4. Expand src/test/javaďż˝ folder
  5. Expand the package com.modelon.oslc.adapter.fmi.clients.tests
  6. Right click -> Run As -> JUnit Test
  7. This will run JUnit Test Suite in Eclipse and JUnit View will be opened and show the result after the test is completed.

4. URI Specifications

OSLC Service Catalog - Accept (text/html, application/rdf+xml)

OSLC Service Providers - Accept (text/html, application/rdf+xml)

OSLC Service Provider - Accept (text/html, application/rdf+xml)

OSLC FMI Resource Shapes - Accept (text/html, application/rdf+xml)

FMI RDF vocabulary - Accept (text/html, application/rdf+xml)

FMI Concept: FMU

OSLC Query Capability - Accept (text/html, application/rdf+xml)

FMI Concept: ModelDescription

OSLC Query Capability - Accept (text/html, application/rdf+xml)

FMI Concept: DefaultExperiment

OSLC Query Capability - Accept (text/html, application/rdf+xml)

FMI Concept: ModelExchange

OSLC Query Capability - Accept (text/html, application/rdf+xml)

FMI Concept: CoSimulation

OSLC Query Capability - Accept (text/html, application/rdf+xml)

FMI Concept: SourceFile

OSLC Query Capability - Accept (text/html, application/rdf+xml)

FMI Concept: UnitDefinition

OSLC Query Capability - Accept (text/html, application/rdf+xml)

FMI Concept: BaseUnit

OSLC Query Capability - Accept (text/html, application/rdf+xml)

FMI Concept: BaseUnitDefinition

OSLC Query Capability - Accept (text/html, application/rdf+xml)

FMI Concept: VendorAnnotation

OSLC Query Capability - Accept (text/html, application/rdf+xml)

FMI Concept: VendorTool

OSLC Query Capability - Accept (text/html, application/rdf+xml)

FMI Concept: Annotation

OSLC Query Capability - Accept (text/html, application/rdf+xml)

FMI Concept: TypeDefinition

OSLC Query Capability - Accept (text/html, application/rdf+xml)

FMI Concept: TypeDef

OSLC Query Capability - Accept (text/html, application/rdf+xml)

FMI Concept: Enumeration

OSLC Query Capability - Accept (text/html, application/rdf+xml)

FMI Concept: ModelVariables

OSLC Query Capability - Accept (text/html, application/rdf+xml)

FMI Concept: ScalarVariable

OSLC Query Capability - Accept (text/html, application/rdf+xml)

FMI Concept: ScalarVariableType

OSLC Query Capability - Accept (text/html, application/rdf+xml)

FMI Concept: ListingAlias

OSLC Query Capability - Accept (text/html, application/rdf+xml)

FMI Concept: ListingDirectDependency

OSLC Query Capability - Accept (text/html, application/rdf+xml)

FMI Concept: ModelStructure

OSLC Query Capability - Accept (text/html, application/rdf+xml)

FMI Concept: Derivative

OSLC Query Capability - Accept (text/html, application/rdf+xml)

FMI Concept: InitialUnknown

OSLC Query Capability - Accept (text/html, application/rdf+xml)

FMI Concept: Output

OSLC Query Capability - Accept (text/html, application/rdf+xml)

5. OSLC FMI Adapter Entity Classes

6. Third party libraries

The OSLC FMI adapter utilize code from third party libraries. The respective copyright information and licenses are listed below.

The third party libraries for OSLC FMI adapter runtime

Eclipse Public License and the Eclipse Distribution License :

OSLC4J Jena Provider 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT
OSLC4J Wink Application 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT

CDDL 1.0: 1.1.1

The Apache Software License, Version 2.0:

Jackson-annotations 2.7.0
Jackson-core 2.7.0
Jackson-databind 2.7.0

The library for OSLC FMI adapter C interface runtime

BSD License:

FMILibrary 2.0.2b3