Code is functional with Red 0.6.5.
You must compile samples since red routines are required. Most of samples require View.
Use first -c compiler option to create a Red RT library and in case of problems use -u compiler option. See for details.
Extra documentation here :
I spent a lot of time adapting redCV to the new version of the Red compiler, which introduced the nodes-gc version in the master branch. The code is compatible in 99.61% of cases. But, in some cases, I had to deactivate the GC (with recycle/off). So, I'm waiting for Red Team fix for memory allocation.
Many of the libs have been modified to be compatible with the October 2024 Red-Toolchain. All examples work perfectly. For a new toolchain for macOS, you have to compile it yourself, which requires a Rebol 2 SDK and a license. So I'll wait until Red reaches a stable version (0.7.0?) before updating redCV.
General update adapted to Red 0.6.5.
Support for Optris Infrared devices added including images and movies samples.
More than 600 routines and functions for image processing.
redCV is fully compatible with the matrix object we developed with Toomas Vooglaid and Qingtian Xie during 2020 summer break.
redCV can talk with Pandore C++ library.
redCV is completly modular.
redCV documentation is updated.
redCV code samples also updated.
redCV includes a support for Flir themal images. This will be extended to other thermal imagers such as Optris.
All libs and code samples are compatible with the new less permissive, but faster Red compiler.
This udpate also includes a new matrix object developed with Toomas Vooglaid during the last summer in order to improve initial matrix implementation.
You'll find in libs/matrix/atrix-as-obj/docs a short and incomplete documentation and some samples.
New libraries for Haar cascade and machine learning
- /libs/objdetect/
- /libs/objdetect/
New libraries for Portable bitmap support
- /libs/pbm/
Modified libraries
- /libs/core/
- /libs/matrix/
- /libsimgproc/
- /libs/math/
- /libs/math/
- /libs/math/
- /libs/math/
- /libs/zLib/
- /libs/tiff/
New code samples
- /image_alpha/
- /image_alpha/
- /image_alpha/
- /image_compression/
- /image_draw/
- /image_Haar/
- /image_Haar/
- /image_Haar/
- /image_hog/hog1
- /image_hog/hog2
- /image_hog/hog3
- /image_hog/hog4
- /image_hog/hog5
- /image_transformation/
Updated code samples
- /image_channel/
- /image_distances/chamfer/
- /image_distances/chamfer/
- /image_fft/
- /image_fft/
- /image_fft/
- /image_filters/neuman/
- /image_histograms/
- /image_histograms/
- /image_histograms/
- /image_integral/
- /image_operators/
- /image_pixels/
- /image_pixels/
- /image_random/
- /video/
- /video/
- /video/
- /video/
- /video/
- /video/
- /video/
- /video/
- /video/
Obsolete code samples
see for better video access
- /video/
- /video/
For Windows and macOS and now Linux-GTK. Thanks to @bitbegin, @loziniak and @rcqls.
Modified libraries
Modified samples
- /image_alpha/
- /image_alpha/
- /image_contours/
- /image_denoising/
- /image_distances/chamfer/
- /image_distances/chamfer/
- /image_fft/
- /image_pixels/
- /image_pixels/
- /image_pixels/
- /image_random/
- /image_resizing/
- /image_resizing/
- /image_resizing/
- /image_sort/
- /image_statistics/
- /image_transformation/
- /signal_processing/
- /signal_processing/
- /signal_processing/
- /signal_processing/
redCV is now 100% compatible with Linux-GTK.
modified library modules
- /libs/core/
- /libs/matrix/
- /libs/timeseries/
- /libs/tiff/
modified samples
- /samples/image_contours/ (all samples)
- /samples/image_detector/
- /samples/image_distance/chamfer/
- /samples/image_fft/ (all fourier samples)
- /samples/image_pixel/ (pixel1 pixel2)
- /samples/image_transformation (imageRotate imageSkew imageTranslate imageClip)
- /sample/signal_processsing/ (all fourier samples)
Happy New Year!
A new version of redCV.
Most of functions are now defined as routines for a faster image processing and redCV is now modular. This means, that you can use only required libraries for your code and not all redCV library. This modular organization reduces compilation duration, reduces the size of the executable applications and, helps in maintaining redCV.As detailed in /libs/ file, some libraries are mandatory and other are optional according to specific applications.
All code samples included in redCV use modular library calling. Code sample documentation is quite complete.
Updated documentation. New functions and samples, including Fast Fourier Transform.
A lot of important changes before summer break
Updated libs
New functions for image effect. K-means algorithm implemented
New sample directory organization
New documentation including samples documentation (work in progress)
Updated documentation. New distance functions and samples (/samples/voronoi).
Updated documentation. New functions and samples.
Update for red 0.6.4 version
Dynamic Time Warping added to redCV.
General update for documentation.
General update for code sample.
A lot of new samples are added for lines and shapes detection in image.
redCV can write tiff images: 24-bit color format.
redCV can read tiff files now. 1 to 4 channels 8-bit uncompressed images are supported. see /samples/tiff for code sample.
Doc is also updated.
You'll find in /samples/image_compression/ new code for image compression with ZLib.
Documentation is updated.
Happy New Year!
New samples in /video for wrting and reading video files with Red and Camera
Update for video samples according to evolution of red camera object.
General update for Red 0.6.3
New samples for distance maps
Documentation is updated
Added rcvContourArea function and new samples
Quick Convex Hull algorithm added to RedCV.
Samples and documentation updated.
Most of code (libs and sample) is updated according to Red modifications for Image! datatype.
New edges detection fast operators are also added.
Documentation is reorganized for a better comprehension and includes an index of all implemented functions.
New RedCV functions added such as logarithmic image processing model.
A lot of new edges filters added in library and in code samples. and libs updated.
RedCV can be used with Red 0.6.2.
New samples added such as clipping functions
Updated version for samples including B&W filters, histograms and integral image
You have to compile samples with following command:
red -c -t Windows
Integral for matrices and images are added.
See RedCV manual for details.
WARNING: some exe are reported with "TR/Crypt.XPACK.Gen2" infection by Github.
Puzzling since exe are compiled under MacOS, but to avoid any problems all exe are suppressed.
You'll need to compile samples with following command:
red -c -t Windows
Very easy to do :)
Extended morphological operators and samples added.
Documentation updated.
Morphological operators for color images added.
rcvHistogramEqualization function added in library.
This very fast function is useful for improving contrast in low-contrasted images or simply modifying the contrast of image.
Statistical functions improved. See RedCV_Manual documentation for details.
New samples in /samples/Draw_DSL/
This is an illustration of how Draw DSL can be used to create nice graphical applications.
rcvScaleImage, rcvTranslateImage and rcvRotateImage are now RedCV Functions.
See RedCV_Manual for details.
Samples and documentation updated.
Scale, Translate and Rotate operators based on Red Draw Dialect added.
New convolution samples added.
RedCV Reference Manual replaces basic documentation.
About 150 functions tested and are functional.
New color space conversions added.
rcvInRange function added: Extracts sub array from image according to lower and upper rgb values.
Samples and documentation updated.
Histogram functions for matrices and color images added.
New samples added.
Doc updated.
Statistical functions are rewritten to be used with images and matrices.
rcvMinLoc and rcvMaxLoc functions added: Finds global minimum or maximum location in array.
Doc updataed.
Split and Merge functions for matrices are added.
A lot of optimized functions for working with 8,16 and 32-bit integer matrices.
New samples added.
Documentation updated.
Image resizing and Gaussian Pyramid Decomposition are added with this function:
rcvResizeImage: function [src [image!] canvas iSize [pair!]/gaussian return: [pair!]]
Only Gaussian 5x5 kernel is currently supported. Canvas is a base facet. If you don’t call /Gaussian refinement image is just resized by Red.
Documentation updated.
Convolution with integer matrices is now possible.
Also added a faster rcvFastConvolve working on separate image channel or grayscaled images.
Back from summer break with a lot of new samples and functions!
Matrices can be used now with vector! datatype, but we'll wait for the matrix! datatype for improving functions.
New samples folder thematic organization.
Doc is updated.
gaussianFilter sample updated.
Slight changes in libs: all red routines begin with underscore (e.g. _rcvCopy).
Documentation updated.
Samples updated.
New samples added in /samples/test directory.
A sample for Gaussian Filter
Gaussian filter added (see /samples/test/
Convolve routines are improved but rather low speed as expected!
2D Filtering can be used. (see documentation for details)
More samples to come
Fast flip render and documentation update
Black and white image filter added.
A new sample ( for motion tracking with webcam.
A lot of work for this new version with faster routines and functions
Most of functions are in the form rcvFunction [src [image!] dst [image!]] [....] This avoids memory leaks due to image copy
New organizations for libs
All Red/System Routines are in the same file and routines are exported as red functions in the various libs
New basic samples (to be compiled)
Documentation and new samples will be included ASAP
rcvFlip routines are faster (written in Red/System).
Motion detection sample added : you can use your webcam to do a video monitoring!
Samples are compiled with -t WindowsXP option.
Libs are improved for faster routines.
New convolution samples are included.
Rendering duration is calculated with the new Red timer and sent back to the user.
Special thanks for DideC for interface improvment:)
New folder organisation:
/samples for red code /samples/_exe for exec files
Convolution routines for images are added.
More to come ...
Added statistical functions on image.
Added some space color conversion.
More to come...
After playing a long time with OpenCV and Red language, it's time for me to write some image processing functions directly with Red:)
Conversions, logical and some math operators for images are available.
According to KISS spirit of Red, you only need to include one file in your code : #include %libs/ sample for detail).
This file includes Red Functions and calls all necessary routines.
More functions and samples to come!
You'll find some images to play within images folder. All supported images by Red can be used.
Special thanks to Nenad for developing Red, and to Qingtian for image implementation.
##Please feel free to contribute and enjoy :)