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feat: use lake build path for output (#228)
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fgdorais authored Nov 9, 2024
1 parent b6ae1cf commit e18c6c2
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Showing 5 changed files with 105 additions and 69 deletions.
55 changes: 28 additions & 27 deletions DocGen4/Output.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ namespace DocGen4

open Lean IO System Output Process

def collectBackrefs : IO (Array BackrefItem) := do
def collectBackrefs (buildDir : System.FilePath) : IO (Array BackrefItem) := do
let mut backrefs : Array BackrefItem := #[]
for entry in ← System.FilePath.readDir declarationsBasePath do
for entry in ← System.FilePath.readDir (declarationsBasePath buildDir) do
if entry.fileName.startsWith "backrefs-" && entry.fileName.endsWith ".json" then
let fileContent ← FS.readFile entry.path
match Json.parse fileContent with
Expand All @@ -37,21 +37,21 @@ def collectBackrefs : IO (Array BackrefItem) := do
return backrefs

def htmlOutputSetup (config : SiteBaseContext) : IO Unit := do
let findBasePath := basePath / "find"
let findBasePath (buildDir : System.FilePath) := basePath buildDir / "find"

-- Base structure
FS.createDirAll basePath
FS.createDirAll findBasePath
FS.createDirAll srcBasePath
FS.createDirAll declarationsBasePath
FS.createDirAll <| basePath config.buildDir
FS.createDirAll <| findBasePath config.buildDir
FS.createDirAll <| srcBasePath config.buildDir
FS.createDirAll <| declarationsBasePath config.buildDir

-- All the doc-gen static stuff
let indexHtml := index config |>.toString
let notFoundHtml := notFound config |>.toString
let foundationalTypesHtml := foundationalTypes config |>.toString
let navbarHtml := navbar config |>.toString
let searchHtml := search config |>.toString
let referencesHtml := (references (← collectBackrefs)) config |>.toString
let referencesHtml := (references (← collectBackrefs config.buildDir)) config |>.toString
let docGenStatic := #[
("style.css", styleCss),
("favicon.svg", faviconSvg),
Expand All @@ -73,20 +73,20 @@ def htmlOutputSetup (config : SiteBaseContext) : IO Unit := do
("references.html", referencesHtml)
for (fileName, content) in docGenStatic do
FS.writeFile (basePath / fileName) content
FS.writeFile (basePath config.buildDir / fileName) content

let findHtml := find { config with depthToRoot := 1 } |>.toString
let findStatic := #[
("index.html", findHtml),
("find.js", findJs)
for (fileName, content) in findStatic do
FS.writeFile (findBasePath / fileName) content
FS.writeFile (findBasePath config.buildDir / fileName) content

def htmlOutputDeclarationDatas (result : AnalyzerResult) : HtmlT IO Unit := do
def htmlOutputDeclarationDatas (buildDir : System.FilePath) (result : AnalyzerResult) : HtmlT IO Unit := do
for (_, mod) in result.moduleInfo.toArray do
let jsonDecls ← Module.toJson mod
FS.writeFile (declarationsBasePath / s!"declaration-data-{}.bmp") (toJson jsonDecls).compress
FS.writeFile (declarationsBasePath buildDir / s!"declaration-data-{}.bmp") (toJson jsonDecls).compress

def htmlOutputResults (baseConfig : SiteBaseContext) (result : AnalyzerResult) (sourceUrl? : Option String) : IO Unit := do
let config : SiteContext := {
Expand All @@ -95,14 +95,14 @@ def htmlOutputResults (baseConfig : SiteBaseContext) (result : AnalyzerResult) (
refsMap := .ofList ( fun x => (x.citekey, x)).toList

FS.createDirAll basePath
FS.createDirAll declarationsBasePath
FS.createDirAll <| basePath baseConfig.buildDir
FS.createDirAll <| declarationsBasePath baseConfig.buildDir

discard <| htmlOutputDeclarationDatas result |>.run {} config baseConfig
discard <| htmlOutputDeclarationDatas baseConfig.buildDir result |>.run {} config baseConfig

for (modName, module) in result.moduleInfo.toArray do
let fileDir := moduleNameToDirectory basePath modName
let filePath := moduleNameToFile basePath modName
let fileDir := moduleNameToDirectory (basePath baseConfig.buildDir) modName
let filePath := moduleNameToFile (basePath baseConfig.buildDir) modName
-- path: 'basePath/module/components/till/last.html'
-- The last component is the file name, so we drop it from the depth to root.
let baseConfig := { baseConfig with
Expand All @@ -114,10 +114,10 @@ def htmlOutputResults (baseConfig : SiteBaseContext) (result : AnalyzerResult) (
throw <| IO.userError s!"There are errors when generating '{filePath}': {cfg.errors}"
FS.createDirAll fileDir
FS.writeFile filePath moduleHtml.toString
FS.writeFile (declarationsBasePath / s!"backrefs-{}.json") (toString (toJson cfg.backrefs))
FS.writeFile (declarationsBasePath baseConfig.buildDir / s!"backrefs-{}.json") (toString (toJson cfg.backrefs))

def getSimpleBaseContext (hierarchy : Hierarchy) : IO SiteBaseContext := do
let contents ← FS.readFile (declarationsBasePath / "references.json") <|> (pure "[]")
def getSimpleBaseContext (buildDir : System.FilePath) (hierarchy : Hierarchy) : IO SiteBaseContext := do
let contents ← FS.readFile (declarationsBasePath buildDir / "references.json") <|> (pure "[]")
match Json.parse contents with
| .error err =>
throw <| IO.userError s!"Failed to parse 'references.json': {err}"
Expand All @@ -127,6 +127,7 @@ def getSimpleBaseContext (hierarchy : Hierarchy) : IO SiteBaseContext := do
throw <| IO.userError s!"Failed to parse 'references.json': {err}"
| .ok (refs : Array BibItem) =>
return {
buildDir := buildDir
depthToRoot := 0
currentName := none
hierarchy := hierarchy
Expand All @@ -137,7 +138,7 @@ def htmlOutputIndex (baseConfig : SiteBaseContext) : IO Unit := do
htmlOutputSetup baseConfig

let mut index : JsonIndex := {}
for entry in ← System.FilePath.readDir declarationsBasePath do
for entry in ← System.FilePath.readDir (declarationsBasePath baseConfig.buildDir) do
if entry.fileName.startsWith "declaration-data-" && entry.fileName.endsWith ".bmp" then
let fileContent ← FS.readFile entry.path
match Json.parse fileContent with
Expand All @@ -152,30 +153,30 @@ def htmlOutputIndex (baseConfig : SiteBaseContext) : IO Unit := do

let finalJson := toJson index
-- The root JSON for find
let declarationDir := basePath / "declarations"
let declarationDir := basePath baseConfig.buildDir / "declarations"
FS.createDirAll declarationDir
FS.writeFile (declarationDir / "declaration-data.bmp") finalJson.compress

def headerDataOutput : IO Unit := do
def headerDataOutput (buildDir : System.FilePath) : IO Unit := do
let mut headerIndex : JsonHeaderIndex := {}
for entry in ← System.FilePath.readDir declarationsBasePath do
for entry in ← System.FilePath.readDir (declarationsBasePath buildDir) do
if entry.fileName.startsWith "declaration-data-" && entry.fileName.endsWith ".bmp" then
let fileContent ← FS.readFile entry.path
let .ok jsonContent := Json.parse fileContent | unreachable!
let .ok (module : JsonModule) := fromJson? jsonContent | unreachable!
headerIndex := headerIndex.addModule module

let finalHeaderJson := toJson headerIndex
let declarationDir := basePath / "declarations"
let declarationDir := basePath buildDir / "declarations"
FS.createDirAll declarationDir
FS.writeFile (declarationDir / "header-data.bmp") finalHeaderJson.compress

The main entrypoint for outputting the documentation HTML based on an
def htmlOutput (result : AnalyzerResult) (hierarchy : Hierarchy) (sourceUrl? : Option String) : IO Unit := do
let baseConfig ← getSimpleBaseContext hierarchy
def htmlOutput (buildDir : System.FilePath) (result : AnalyzerResult) (hierarchy : Hierarchy) (sourceUrl? : Option String) : IO Unit := do
let baseConfig ← getSimpleBaseContext buildDir hierarchy
htmlOutputResults baseConfig result sourceUrl?
htmlOutputIndex baseConfig

Expand Down
13 changes: 8 additions & 5 deletions DocGen4/Output/Base.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,11 +11,9 @@ namespace DocGen4.Output
open scoped DocGen4.Jsx
open Lean System Widget Elab Process

def lakeBuildDir := "." / ".lake" / "build"
def basePath := lakeBuildDir / "doc"
def srcBasePath := basePath / "src"
def declarationsBasePath := lakeBuildDir / "doc-data"
def basePath (buildDir : System.FilePath) := buildDir / "doc"
def srcBasePath (buildDir : System.FilePath) := basePath buildDir / "src"
def declarationsBasePath (buildDir : System.FilePath) := buildDir / "doc-data"

/-- The structure representing a processed bibitem. -/
structure BibItem where
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -48,6 +46,11 @@ The context used in the `BaseHtmlM` monad for HTML templating.
structure SiteBaseContext where

The build directory (provided by lake).
buildDir : System.FilePath

The module hierarchy as a tree structure.
Expand Down
32 changes: 16 additions & 16 deletions DocGen4/Output/References.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,39 +25,39 @@ namespace DocGen4

/-- Preprocess (using the user provided `process` function)
and save the bib file to the output path. -/
def preprocessBibFile (contents : String) (process : String → IO (Array BibItem)) : IO Unit := do
def preprocessBibFile (buildDir : System.FilePath) (contents : String) (process : String → IO (Array BibItem)) : IO Unit := do
-- create directories
IO.FS.createDirAll basePath
IO.FS.createDirAll declarationsBasePath
IO.FS.createDirAll <| basePath buildDir
IO.FS.createDirAll <| declarationsBasePath buildDir
-- save the contents to "references.bib" and erase "references.json"
IO.FS.writeFile (basePath / "references.bib") contents
IO.FS.writeFile (declarationsBasePath / "references.json") "[]"
IO.FS.writeFile (basePath buildDir / "references.bib") contents
IO.FS.writeFile (declarationsBasePath buildDir / "references.json") "[]"
-- if contents is empty, just do nothing
if contents.trim.isEmpty then
-- run the user provided process function
let items ← process contents
-- save the result to "references.json"
IO.FS.writeFile (declarationsBasePath / "references.json") (toString (toJson items))
IO.FS.writeFile (declarationsBasePath buildDir / "references.json") (toString (toJson items))

/-- Save the bib json to the output path. -/
def preprocessBibJson (contents : String) : IO Unit := do
def preprocessBibJson (buildDir : System.FilePath) (contents : String) : IO Unit := do
-- create directories
IO.FS.createDirAll basePath
IO.FS.createDirAll declarationsBasePath
IO.FS.createDirAll <| basePath buildDir
IO.FS.createDirAll <| declarationsBasePath buildDir
-- erase "references.bib" (since we can't recover it from json)
-- and save the contents to "references.json"
IO.FS.writeFile (basePath / "references.bib") ""
IO.FS.writeFile (declarationsBasePath / "references.json") contents
IO.FS.writeFile (basePath buildDir / "references.bib") ""
IO.FS.writeFile (declarationsBasePath buildDir / "references.json") contents

/-- Erase the contents of bib file in the output path. -/
def disableBibFile : IO Unit := do
def disableBibFile (buildDir : System.FilePath) : IO Unit := do
-- create directories
IO.FS.createDirAll basePath
IO.FS.createDirAll declarationsBasePath
IO.FS.createDirAll <| basePath buildDir
IO.FS.createDirAll <| declarationsBasePath buildDir
-- erase files
IO.FS.writeFile (basePath / "references.bib") ""
IO.FS.writeFile (declarationsBasePath / "references.json") "[]"
IO.FS.writeFile (basePath buildDir / "references.bib") ""
IO.FS.writeFile (declarationsBasePath buildDir / "references.json") "[]"

namespace Output

Expand Down
50 changes: 39 additions & 11 deletions Main.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,27 +10,39 @@ def getTopLevelModules (p : Parsed) : IO (List String) := do
throw <| IO.userError "No topLevelModules provided."
return topLevelModules

def runHeaderDataCmd (_p : Parsed) : IO UInt32 := do
def runHeaderDataCmd (p : Parsed) : IO UInt32 := do
let buildDir := match p.flag? "build" with
| some dir =>! String
| none => ".lake/build"
headerDataOutput buildDir
return 0

def runSingleCmd (p : Parsed) : IO UInt32 := do
let buildDir := match p.flag? "build" with
| some dir =>! String
| none => ".lake/build"
let relevantModules := #[p.positionalArg! "module" |>.as! String |> String.toName]
let sourceUri := p.positionalArg! "sourceUri" |>.as! String
let (doc, hierarchy) ← load <| .loadAllLimitAnalysis relevantModules
let baseConfig ← getSimpleBaseContext hierarchy
let baseConfig ← getSimpleBaseContext buildDir hierarchy
htmlOutputResults baseConfig doc (some sourceUri)
return 0

def runIndexCmd (_p : Parsed) : IO UInt32 := do
let hierarchy ← Hierarchy.fromDirectory Output.basePath
let baseConfig ← getSimpleBaseContext hierarchy
def runIndexCmd (p : Parsed) : IO UInt32 := do
let buildDir := match p.flag? "build" with
| some dir =>! String
| none => ".lake/build"
let hierarchy ← Hierarchy.fromDirectory (Output.basePath buildDir)
let baseConfig ← getSimpleBaseContext buildDir hierarchy
htmlOutputIndex baseConfig
return 0

def runGenCoreCmd (_p : Parsed) : IO UInt32 := do
def runGenCoreCmd (p : Parsed) : IO UInt32 := do
let buildDir := match p.flag? "build" with
| some dir =>! String
| none => ".lake/build"
let (doc, hierarchy) ← loadCore
let baseConfig ← getSimpleBaseContext hierarchy
let baseConfig ← getSimpleBaseContext buildDir hierarchy
htmlOutputResults baseConfig doc none
return 0

Expand All @@ -40,25 +52,31 @@ def runDocGenCmd (_p : Parsed) : IO UInt32 := do
return 0

def runBibPrepassCmd (p : Parsed) : IO UInt32 := do
let buildDir := match p.flag? "build" with
| some dir =>! String
| none => ".lake/build"
if p.hasFlag "none" then
IO.println "INFO: reference page disabled"
disableBibFile buildDir
match p.variableArgsAs! String with
| #[source] =>
let contents ← IO.FS.readFile source
if p.hasFlag "json" then
IO.println "INFO: 'references.json' will be copied to the output path; there will be no 'references.bib'"
preprocessBibJson contents
preprocessBibJson buildDir contents
preprocessBibFile contents Bibtex.process
preprocessBibFile buildDir contents Bibtex.process
| _ => throw <| IO.userError "there should be exactly one source file"
return 0

def singleCmd := `[Cli|
single VIA runSingleCmd;
"Only generate the documentation for the module it was given, might contain broken links unless all documentation is generated."

b, build : String; "Build directory."

module : String; "The module to generate the HTML for. Does not have to be part of topLevelModules."
sourceUri : String; "The sourceUri as computed by the Lake facet"
Expand All @@ -67,11 +85,17 @@ def singleCmd := `[Cli|
def indexCmd := `[Cli|
index VIA runIndexCmd;
"Index the documentation that has been generated by single."

b, build : String; "Build directory."

def genCoreCmd := `[Cli|
genCore VIA runGenCoreCmd;
"Generate documentation for the core Lean modules: Init, Lean, Lake and Std since they are not Lake projects"

b, build : String; "Build directory."

def bibPrepassCmd := `[Cli|
Expand All @@ -81,6 +105,7 @@ def bibPrepassCmd := `[Cli|
n, none; "Disable bibliography in this project."
j, json; "The input file is '.json' which contains an array of objects with 4 fields: 'citekey', 'tag', 'html' and 'plaintext'."
b, build : String; "Build directory."

...source : String; "The bibliography file. We only support one file for input. Should be '.bib' or '.json' according to flags."
Expand All @@ -89,6 +114,9 @@ def bibPrepassCmd := `[Cli|
def headerDataCmd := `[Cli|
headerData VIA runHeaderDataCmd;
"Produce `header-data.bmp`, this allows embedding of doc-gen declarations into other pages and more."

b, build : String; "Build directory."

def docGenCmd : Cmd := `[Cli|
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