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Multi-thread with runspace
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leapwill committed Aug 14, 2021
1 parent 1710027 commit 2c330e5
Showing 1 changed file with 206 additions and 130 deletions.
336 changes: 206 additions & 130 deletions BeatSaberStats.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ The path of PlayerData.dat
The path of the directory containing Beat Saber.exe
.PARAMETER PlayerNumber
The 0-indexed number of player data to use in PlayerData.dat
The number of threads to use for processing levels. Defaults to the number of logical processors on the system but capped at 8 due to sharply diminishing returns.

# TODO get compatibility down to Win10 default of PS5 and .NET Framework 4.0, blocker is System.Security.Cryptography.Primitives
Expand All @@ -16,7 +18,11 @@ param(
$GamePath = '',
$PlayerNumber = 0
$PlayerNumber = 0,

Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -60,160 +66,230 @@ if (-not ($PlayerData.Length -ge $PlayerNumber + 1)) {
exit -4
$PlayerData = $PlayerData[$PlayerNumber]

#region functions to keep scopes small for memory
Add-Type -AssemblyName 'System.Security.Cryptography.Primitives'
# calculate hash to find level ID in save file
function Load-HashedJson {
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)]
$fileRaw = Get-Content $Path -Raw
$fileBytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($fileRaw)
if ($IsFinal) {
$Hasher.TransformFinalBlock($fileBytes, 0, $fileBytes.Length) >$null
if ($Threads = $null) {
if ($Env:OS -eq 'Windows_NT') {
$Threads = [Math]::Min((Get-CIMInstance -Class CIM_Processor).NumberOfLogicalProcessors, 8)
else {
$Hasher.TransformBlock($fileBytes, 0, $fileBytes.Length, $null, 0) >$null
(Get-Content /proc/cpuinfo | Select-String 'siblings' | Select-Object -First 1) -Match ': +([0-9]+)$' > $null
$Threads = [Math]::Min([int]$Matches[1], 8)
return ConvertFrom-Json $fileRaw
$Threads = [Math]::Max($Threads, 1)

Add-Type -AssemblyName 'System.Security.Cryptography.Primitives'
Add-Type -AssemblyName 'System.Collections.Concurrent'

# TODO threading, probably C# for PS5.0 compat. with a semaphore? free mem check (0.5GB per thread)? currently ~1.5s and 100-600MB per song
#(Get-CIMInstance -Class CIM_Processor).NumberOfLogicalProcessors

$DifficultyRankMap = @(
$ScoreRankMap = @(

# TODO load vanilla levels data (what format?)
# TODO handle zipped CustomWIPLevels
#region constants
$CustomLevelsPath = Join-Path $LevelsPath 'CustomLevels'
$CustomLevelInfoFiles = Get-ChildItem $CustomLevelsPath -Recurse -Filter 'info.dat'
$LevelStats = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[object]' -ArgumentList $CustomLevelInfoFiles.Length
$Stopwatch = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch
# for each directory with info.dat (song)
foreach ($levelInfoFile in $CustomLevelInfoFiles) {
Write-Verbose "processing $($levelInfoFile.Directory.Name)"

$hasher = [System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1]::Create()

$levelInfoSrc = Load-HashedJson $hasher $levelInfoFile.FullName

# TODO custom dependencies (e.g. Chroma): $difficultyInfo._requirements and $levelInfoSrc._suggestions
$levelInfo = [ordered]@{
'Song' = $levelInfoSrc._songName;
'Artist' = $levelInfoSrc._songAuthorName;
'Mapper' = $levelInfoSrc._levelAuthorName;
'BPM' = $levelInfoSrc._beatsPerMinute;
'Environment' = $levelInfoSrc._environmentName;
'~Duration' = [double]0;
# setup object to be the same every level
foreach ($prefix in $DifficultyRankMap) {
$levelInfo["$prefix Valid"] = $levelInfo["$prefix Plays"] = $levelInfo["$prefix Rank"] = $levelInfo["$prefix Combo"] = $levelInfo["$prefix Score"] = $levelInfo["$prefix NP10S"] = $levelInfo["$prefix ~NPS"] = $levelInfo["$prefix Notes"] = ''
$IsVerbose = ($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters['Verbose'] -ne $null -and $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters['Verbose'].IsPresent -eq $true)
$IsDebug = ($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters['Debug'] -ne $null -and $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters['Debug'].IsPresent -eq $true)
# TODO load vanilla levels data (what format?)
# TODO handle zipped CustomWIPLevels

$LevelInfoFilesQueue = New-Object 'System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentQueue[System.IO.FileInfo]' -ArgumentList (,[System.IO.FileInfo[]]$CustomLevelInfoFiles)
function ForEach-Thread {

#region constants but in the runspace
$DifficultyRankMap = @(
$ScoreRankMap = @(

#region functions to keep scopes small for memory
# calculate hash to find level ID in save file
function Load-HashedJson {
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)]
$fileRaw = Get-Content $Path -Raw
$fileBytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($fileRaw)
if ($IsFinal) {
$Hasher.TransformFinalBlock($fileBytes, 0, $fileBytes.Length) >$null
else {
$Hasher.TransformBlock($fileBytes, 0, $fileBytes.Length, $null, 0) >$null
return ConvertFrom-Json $fileRaw
Write-Debug "info done at `t$($Stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds)"

# for each characteristic (e.g. standard, one-hand, 90deg, lawless, etc.)
for ($characteristicIdx = 0; $characteristicIdx -lt $levelInfoSrc._difficultyBeatmapSets.Length; $characteristicIdx++) {
$characteristicBeatmapSet = $levelInfoSrc._difficultyBeatmapSets[$characteristicIdx]
# for each difficulty level on the characteristic
for ($difficultyIdx = 0; $difficultyIdx -lt $characteristicBeatmapSet._difficultyBeatmaps.Length; $difficultyIdx++) {
$difficultyInfo = $characteristicBeatmapSet._difficultyBeatmaps[$difficultyIdx]
$isFinalHashedFile = ($difficultyIdx -eq $characteristicBeatmapSet._difficultyBeatmaps.Length - 1) -and ($characteristicIdx -eq $levelInfoSrc._difficultyBeatmapSets.Length - 1)
$beatmapNotes = (Load-HashedJson $hasher (Join-Path $levelInfoFile.DirectoryName $difficultyInfo._beatmapFilename) $isFinalHashedFile)._notes
# TODO one-hand/90/360/lightshow _difficultyBeatmapSets
if ($characteristicBeatmapSet._beatmapCharacteristicName -eq 'Standard' -or $levelInfoSrc._difficultyBeatmapSets.Length -eq 1) {
$prefix = $DifficultyRankMap[[Math]::Floor($difficultyInfo._difficultyRank / 2)]

# read beatmap and calc stats
$levelInfo["$prefix Notes"] = $beatmapNotes.Length
# TODO for real NPS, song length comes from reading _songFilename. need ffmpeg?
# note._time is floating-point beats
$firstNoteTime = $beatmapNotes[0]._time
$lastNoteTime = $beatmapNotes[$beatmapNotes.Length - 1]._time
$notesDurationSeconds = ($lastNoteTime - $firstNoteTime) / $levelInfo['BPM'] * 60
$levelInfo["$prefix ~NPS"] = [Math]::Round($beatmapNotes.Length / $notesDurationSeconds, 2)
$levelInfo['~Duration'] = [Math]::Max($levelInfo['~Duration'], $notesDurationSeconds)

# highest 10-second NPS
# TODO use 2 indexes to look at original array instead of a new one?
[double]$highestSoFar = 0
$notes = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[double]'
[double]$tenSecondsInBeats = $levelInfo['BPM'] / 6
foreach ($note in $beatmapNotes) {
$notes.RemoveAll({param($t) $t -lt $note._time - $tenSecondsInBeats}) >$null
$notesNps = $notes.Count
if ($notesNps -gt $highestSoFar) {
$highestSoFar = $notesNps

function Process-SingleLevel {
Write-Verbose "processing $($levelInfoFile.Directory.Name)"
$hasher = [System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1]::Create()
$levelInfoSrc = Load-HashedJson $hasher $levelInfoFile.FullName

# TODO custom dependencies (e.g. Chroma): $difficultyInfo._requirements and $levelInfoSrc._suggestions
$levelInfo = [ordered]@{
'Song' = $levelInfoSrc._songName;
'Artist' = $levelInfoSrc._songAuthorName;
'Mapper' = $levelInfoSrc._levelAuthorName;
'BPM' = $levelInfoSrc._beatsPerMinute;
'Environment' = $levelInfoSrc._environmentName;
'~Duration' = [double]0;
# setup object to be the same every level
foreach ($prefix in $DifficultyRankMap) {
$levelInfo["$prefix Valid"] = $levelInfo["$prefix Plays"] = $levelInfo["$prefix Rank"] = $levelInfo["$prefix Combo"] = $levelInfo["$prefix Score"] = $levelInfo["$prefix NP10S"] = $levelInfo["$prefix ~NPS"] = $levelInfo["$prefix Notes"] = ''
Write-Debug "info done at `t$($Stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds)"

# for each characteristic (e.g. standard, one-hand, 90deg, lawless, etc.)
for ($characteristicIdx = 0; $characteristicIdx -lt $levelInfoSrc._difficultyBeatmapSets.Length; $characteristicIdx++) {
$characteristicBeatmapSet = $levelInfoSrc._difficultyBeatmapSets[$characteristicIdx]
# for each difficulty level on the characteristic
for ($difficultyIdx = 0; $difficultyIdx -lt $characteristicBeatmapSet._difficultyBeatmaps.Length; $difficultyIdx++) {
$difficultyInfo = $characteristicBeatmapSet._difficultyBeatmaps[$difficultyIdx]
$isFinalHashedFile = ($difficultyIdx -eq $characteristicBeatmapSet._difficultyBeatmaps.Length - 1) -and ($characteristicIdx -eq $levelInfoSrc._difficultyBeatmapSets.Length - 1)
$beatmapNotes = (Load-HashedJson $hasher (Join-Path $levelInfoFile.DirectoryName $difficultyInfo._beatmapFilename) $isFinalHashedFile)._notes
# TODO one-hand/90/360/lightshow _difficultyBeatmapSets
if ($characteristicBeatmapSet._beatmapCharacteristicName -eq 'Standard' -or $levelInfoSrc._difficultyBeatmapSets.Length -eq 1) {
$prefix = $DifficultyRankMap[[Math]::Floor($difficultyInfo._difficultyRank / 2)]

# read beatmap and calc stats
$levelInfo["$prefix Notes"] = $beatmapNotes.Length
# TODO for real NPS, song length comes from reading _songFilename. need ffmpeg?
# note._time is floating-point beats
$firstNoteTime = $beatmapNotes[0]._time
$lastNoteTime = $beatmapNotes[$beatmapNotes.Length - 1]._time
$notesDurationSeconds = ($lastNoteTime - $firstNoteTime) / $levelInfo['BPM'] * 60
$levelInfo["$prefix ~NPS"] = [Math]::Round($beatmapNotes.Length / $notesDurationSeconds, 2)
$levelInfo['~Duration'] = [Math]::Max($levelInfo['~Duration'], $notesDurationSeconds)

# highest 10-second NPS
# TODO use 2 indexes to look at original array instead of a new one?
[double]$highestSoFar = 0
$notes = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[double]'
[double]$tenSecondsInBeats = $levelInfo['BPM'] / 6
foreach ($note in $beatmapNotes) {
$notes.RemoveAll({param($t) $t -lt $note._time - $tenSecondsInBeats}) >$null
$notesNps = $notes.Count
if ($notesNps -gt $highestSoFar) {
$highestSoFar = $notesNps
$levelInfo["$prefix NP10S"] = [Math]::Round($highestSoFar / 10, 2)

$levelInfo["$prefix NP10S"] = [Math]::Round($highestSoFar / 10, 2)
Write-Debug "difficulties done at $($Stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds)"

# format song duration as longest of all difficulties
$levelInfo['~Duration'] = [string][Math]::Floor($levelInfo['~Duration'] / 60) + ':' + [Math]::Floor($levelInfo['~Duration'] % 60)

# read save file for scores and stuff
$hashStr = [System.BitConverter]::ToString($hasher.Hash) -Replace '-',''
$levelId = "custom_level_$hashStr"
$levelInfo['ID'] = $levelId
# sort because something put lowercase hashes in my save file (SongCore uses uppercase)
# TODO sort by valid, then score
$scores = $PlayerData.levelsStatsData | Where-Object {$_.levelId -iLike $levelId -and $_.beatmapCharacteristicName -eq 'Standard'} | Sort-Object -Property levelId -CaseSensitive
foreach ($score in $scores) {
$prefix = $DifficultyRankMap[[Math]::Floor($score.difficulty)]
$levelInfo["$prefix Score"] = $score.highScore
if ($score.fullCombo) {
$levelInfo["$prefix Combo"] = 'FC'
else {
$levelInfo["$prefix Combo"] = $score.maxCombo
$levelInfo["$prefix Rank"] = $ScoreRankMap[$score.maxRank]
$levelInfo["$prefix Plays"] = $score.playCount
$levelInfo["$prefix Valid"] = $score.validScore
Write-Debug "scores done at `t$($Stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds)"

Write-Verbose "processed $levelId"

Write-Debug "difficulties done at $($Stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds)"
# format song duration as longest of all difficulties
$levelInfo['~Duration'] = [string][Math]::Floor($levelInfo['~Duration'] / 60) + ':' + [Math]::Floor($levelInfo['~Duration'] % 60)

# read save file for scores and stuff
$hashStr = [System.BitConverter]::ToString($hasher.Hash) -Replace '-',''
$levelId = "custom_level_$hashStr"
$levelInfo['ID'] = $levelId
# sort because something put lowercase hashes in my save file (SongCore uses uppercase)
# TODO sort by valid, then score
$scores = $PlayerData.levelsStatsData | Where-Object {$_.levelId -iLike $levelId -and $_.beatmapCharacteristicName -eq 'Standard'} | Sort-Object -Property levelId -CaseSensitive
foreach ($score in $scores) {
$prefix = $DifficultyRankMap[[Math]::Floor($score.difficulty)]
$levelInfo["$prefix Score"] = $score.highScore
if ($score.fullCombo) {
$levelInfo["$prefix Combo"] = 'FC'
else {
$levelInfo["$prefix Combo"] = $score.maxCombo
$levelInfo["$prefix Rank"] = $ScoreRankMap[$score.maxRank]
$levelInfo["$prefix Plays"] = $score.playCount
$levelInfo["$prefix Valid"] = $score.validScore

$Stopwatch = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch
[System.IO.FileInfo]$CurrentFile = $null;
while ($Queue.TryDequeue([ref]$CurrentFile)) {
Process-SingleLevel $CurrentFile $Stopwatch $LevelStats -Verbose:($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters['Verbose'].IsPresent -eq $true) -Debug:($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters['Debug'].IsPresent -eq $true)
Write-Debug "scores done at `t$($Stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds)"

Write-Verbose "processed $levelId"
$pool = [RunspaceFactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, $Threads)
$threadHandles = @{}
Write-Debug "using $Threads threads"
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Threads; $i++) {
$poolShell = [PowerShell]::Create()
$poolShell.RunspacePool = $pool
$null = $poolShell.AddScript(${Function:ForEach-Thread}.ToString())
$null = $poolShell.AddParameter('Queue', $LevelInfoFilesQueue)
$null = $poolShell.AddParameter('LevelStats', $LevelStats)
$threadHandles[$poolShell] = $poolShell.BeginInvoke()

foreach ($shell in $threadHandles.Keys) {
[System.IAsyncResult]$handle = $threadHandles[$shell]

#region output
# TODO use -Append to avoid storing all in memory until the end?
Remove-Item 'stats.csv'
if (Test-Path 'stats.csv') {
Remove-Item 'stats.csv'
foreach ($lvl in $LevelStats) {
Export-Csv -InputObject ([pscustomobject]$lvl) -Append -Path 'stats.csv'
Expand Down

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