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Lab: Task Manager


In this lab, we’ll build a Task Manager application that allows users to add, complete, and search tasks. Utilizing the hooks of useRef to persist values without re-rendering, useId to generate unique IDs for accessibility and controlled components, and useContext for global state management.

Task 1: Define the Problem

The frontend is set up, but the application lacks interactivity and state management.

As a user, I should be able to:

  • Add a new task using a form (useId)
  • Mark tasks as completed (useContext)
  • Search tasks dynamically (useRef)

Task 2: Determine the Design

Determine state and props needed for each component:

  • Global states (useContext)
  • Persistent Values (useRef)
  • Unique IDs (useId)

Task 3: Develop the Code

Implement Global State with useContext

  • Create TaskProvider as global state within TaskContext.jsx
  • Replace tasks state in app with context

Mark Task

  • Implement toggleComplete function within TaskContext.jsx
  • Call toggleComplete upon clicking task button

Submit Tasks

  • Apply useId on form input
  • Implement addTask function within TaskContext.jsx
  • Call addTask within submit

Implement Search Functionality

  • Implement useRef on search input
  • Implement filter on task context

Task 4: Test and Refine

Debug and test during development using the provided test suite and React DevTools in Chrome.

Task 5: Document and Maintain

  • Commit as you go, writing meaningful commit messages
  • Push commit history to GitHub periodically and when lab is complete

Tools and Resources


Set Up

Before we begin coding, let's complete the initial setup for this lesson:

Fork and Clone

  • Go to the provided GitHub repository link.
  • Fork the repository to your GitHub account.
  • Clone the forked repository to your local machine.

Open and Run File

  • Open the project in VSCode.
  • Run npm install to install all necessary dependencies.


Task 1: Define the Problem

The frontend is set up, but the application lacks interactivity and state management.

As a user, I should be able to:

  • Add a new task using a form (useId)
  • Mark tasks as completed (useContext)
  • Search tasks dynamically (useRef)

Task 2: Determine the Design

Determine state and props needed for each component.

Task 3: Develop, Test, and Refine the Code

Open React application in browser

npm run dev

Run the included backend

npm run server

Run test suite

npm run test

Create feature branch

Implement Global State with useContext

  • Create TaskProvider as global state within TaskContext.jsx
  • Replace tasks state in app with context
  • Update App within main.jsx to be wrapped in TaskProvider

Mark Task

  • Implement toggleComplete function within TaskContext.jsx
  • Ensure toggleComplete function edits both the db.json and page
  • Call toggleComplete upon clicking task button

Submit Tasks

  • Apply useId on form input
  • Implement addTask function within TaskContext.jsx
  • Call addTask within submit

Implement Search Functionality

  • Implement useRef on search input
  • Implement filter task context on TaskList

Push feature branch and open a PR on GitHub

  • Merge to main

Task 4: Document and Maintain

Best Practice documentation steps:

  • Add comments to code to explain purpose and logic
  • Clarify intent/functionality of code to other developers
  • Add screenshot of completed work included in Markdown in
  • Update text to reflect the functionality of the application following Make a README
  • Delete any stale branches on GitHub
  • Remove unnecessary/commented-out code
  • If needed, update .gitignore to remove sensitive data


Once all tests are passing and working code is pushed to the GitHub main branch, submit your GitHub repo through Canvas using CodeGrade.

Grading Criteria

The application passes all test suites.

Ensure the application:

  • Loads tasks with context.
  • Submits new task with useId
  • Marks tasks as complete.
  • Filters tasks shown on the page by a search input.


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