Single- and multilayer LSTM networks with no additional output nonlinearity based on aymericdamien's TensorFlow examples and Sequence prediction using recurrent neural networks.
Experiments with varying numbers of hidden units, LSTM cells and techniques like gradient clipping were conducted using static_rnn
and dynamic_rnn
. All networks have been optimized using Adam on the MSE loss function.
Given a single LSTM cell with 100
hidden states, predict the next 50
given the last 100
The network is trained on a sine of 1 Hz
only using random shifts, thus fails on
generalizing to higher frequencies (2 Hz
and 3 Hz
in the image); in addition, the
network should be able to simply memoize the shape of the input.
It was optimized with a learning rate of 0.001
for 200000
iterations and
batches of 50
Given a single LSTM cell with 150
hidden states, predict the next 50
given the last 100
The network is trained on sines of random frequencies between 0.5 .. 4 Hz
random shifts. Prediction quality is worse than for the 1 Hz
only experiment above,
but it generalizes to the 2 Hz
and 3 Hz
It was optimized with a learning rate of 0.001
for 300000
iterations and
batches of 50
At loss 0.614914
, the prediction looks like this:
Given a single LSTM cell with 150
hidden states, predict the next 50
given the last 25
The network is trained on sines of random frequencies between 0.5 Hz
and 4 Hz
random shifts. Prediction quality is worse than for the 1 Hz
only experiment above,
but it generalizes to the 2 Hz
and 3 Hz
It was optimized with a learning rate of 0.0005
for 500000
iterations and
batches of 50
The following image shows the output at loss 0.177742
The following is the network trained to predict the next 100
given the previous 25
timesteps; the parameters are otherwise unchanged.
This is the result at loss 0.257725
Same as the last experiment, however using 500
hidden states and gradient clipping
for the optimizer as described here:
adam = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate)
gradients = adam.compute_gradients(loss)
clipped_gradients = [(tf.clip_by_value(grad, -0.5, 0.5), var) for grad, var in gradients]
optimizer = adam.apply_gradients(clipped_gradients)
Losses get as low as 0.069027
within the given iterations, but vary wildly.
This is at loss 0.422188
This time, the dynamic_rnn()
function is used instead of rnn()
, drastically improving the
startup time. In addition, the single LSTM cell has been replaced with 4
LSTM cells of 32
hidden states each.
lstm_cell = rnn.BasicLSTMCell(n_hidden, forget_bias=1.0)
lstm_cells = [lstm_cell]*n_layers
stacked_lstm = rnn.MultiRNNCell(lstm_cells)
outputs, states = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(stacked_lstm, x, dtype=tf.float32, time_major=False)
The output still uses linear regression:
output = tf.transpose(outputs, [1, 0, 2])
pred = tf.matmul(output[-1], weights['out']) + biases['out']
The network is trained with learning rate 0.001
for at least 300000
(with the additional criterion that the loss should be below 0.15
The following picture shows the performance at loss 0.138701
at iteration 375000
When using only 10
hidden states, training takes much longer given a learning rate of 0.001
and reaches a loss of about 0.5
after ~1200000
iterations, where convergence effectively stops.
The following used 10
hidden states and a base learning rate of 0.005
in combination with a
step policy that reduced the learning rate by a factor of 0.1
every 250000
Similar to the previous experiment, optimization was stopped after at least 300000
have passed and the loss was below 0.2
The picture shows the outcome after 510000
iterations at a loss of 0.180995