OpenBVE v1.10.1.0
Whilst the list of changes in this build is quite long, most will not really be of interest to 'normal' users, but have instead come about as a result or requirement of introducing running on differing rails, and all the challenges that go with it.
Significant Changes:
- New: Add Train.DownloadLocation to routefile commands.
- New: Support the DenshaDeGo! MTC controller doors light. (MarcRiera)
- New: Add PlayerDistance and PlayerTrackDistance to available animated instructions.
- New: Links in train / route descriptions are clickable in the legacy WinForms menu.
- Change: Many improvements / fixes to the Switch functionality. Thanks to all those who tested / reported issues!
- Change: Standardise date format in logging (KennyHui)
- Change: Only log an issue once per broken object instead of once per use.
- Change: Alter TFO loading, and add rail index validation.
- Fix: Collision not taking into account differing running rails.
- Fix: Some adaptors produced ghost input when using a DenshDeGo! controller. (MarcRiera)
- Fix: Implement some of the less common types into the PNG decoder, and some associated issues with API functions.
- Fix: Correctly handle some broken .X files produced by the BVETS Convertor.
- Fix: Position of a sound within an animated object incorrectly affected the object's base position.
- Fix: An empty line in train.dat could be incorrectly interpreted as an empty acceleration curve.
- Fix: Some issues with converted acceleration in CarXML convertor.
- Fix: CarXML convertor not escaping filenames.
- Hacks: Add workaround for Yogyakarta- Madiun excessively slow load times.