Displays a slideshow of auto-generated "inspirational" quote images.
The quotes are usually nonsensical but gramatically correct, and often amusing.
./inspire.py --interval <seconds>
Leave this running on a device with a monitor and internet connection.
I tested on a laptop, but it would probably work on a RaspberryPi.
- feh
- python3
- an internet connection
Every time the script updates the image, it:
- fetches a new image from InspiroBot
- displays it in a new
window - kills the old
If it fails to fetch an image (e.g. due to a lost internet connection), it just keeps the previous image on screen until it succeeds.
If you briefly see the rest of your desktop during a transition, the new window probably took too long to load (so the old window died before the new one was up). In this case, you can modify the script to wait longer before killing the old window.