Notebook images for ppc64le (IBM Power processor architecture) compliant with Kubeflow Notebooks. Images are inspired by Jupyter's Docker-Stacks and add Elyra, Huggingface Datasets, and Kubeflow features.
- multiarch support (ppc64le & x86)
- Jupyter Lab incl. LaTeX support
- TensorFlow / PyTorch
- Kubeflow pipelines SDK
- Elyra integrated in Jupyter Lab
- Integrated catalog of reusable Kubeflow components
- Package management via Mamba
- Based on AlmaLinux and buildable with UBI
- Fully OpenShift-compliant (rootless support), kudos to Graham Dumpleton
- BuildX ready
Go to my kubeflow-notebook-image repository at IBM's page.
- Install docker (see OpenPOWER@UNICAMP guide):
dnf config-manager --add-repo=
dnf install docker-ce docker-ce-cli -y
sudo systemctl enable --now docker
- Configure a BuildX builder for multi-arch builds.
On x86, just continue with the next step.
On ppc64le, do the following:
mkdir -p ~/.docker/cli-plugins
TARGETARCH=$(uname -m)
wget${OS_ARCH} -O ~/.docker/cli-plugins/docker-buildx
chmod +x ~/.docker/cli-plugins/docker-buildx
docker run --rm --privileged tonistiigi/binfmt:latest --install all
Additionally, due to tonistiigi/binfmt#118, you need to pass a Ubuntu-based base root image as build argument to the build (e.g., add this to the build command --build-arg ROOT_CONTAINER=ubuntu:22.04
- Create, initialize, and use your multi-arch builder:
docker buildx create --name mybuilder --use --bootstrap
docker buildx ls
- Optional: enable BuildX by default via
docker buildx install
git clone
cd kubeflow-ppc64le-notebook-images
export CUDA_VERSION=11.8.0
export ELYRA_VERSION=3.15.0
export PYTORCH_VERSION=2.0.1
export SUPPORT_GPU=true
docker buildx build --build-arg NB_GID=0 --build-arg CUDA_VERSION=$CUDA_VERSION --build-arg ELYRA_VERSION=$ELYRA_VERSION --build-arg PYTHON_VERSION=$PYTHON_VERSION --build-arg PYTORCH_VERSION=$PYTORCH_VERSION --build-arg SUPPORT_GPU=$SUPPORT_GPU --build-arg TENSORFLOW_VERSION=$TENSORFLOW_VERSION -t $TARGET -f Dockerfile --platform linux/amd64,linux/ppc64le --push .
Some environments might have a slow upstream, where it makes sense to split the build and the push parts of the build (see docker/buildx#1315).
For building into the cache:
docker buildx build --build-arg NB_GID=0 --build-arg CUDA_VERSION=$CUDA_VERSION --build-arg ELYRA_VERSION=$ELYRA_VERSION --build-arg PYTHON_VERSION=$PYTHON_VERSION --build-arg PYTORCH_VERSION=$PYTORCH_VERSION --build-arg SUPPORT_GPU=$SUPPORT_GPU --build-arg TENSORFLOW_VERSION=$TENSORFLOW_VERSION -t $TARGET -f Dockerfile --platform linux/amd64,linux/ppc64le --cache-to=type=local,dest=cache,mode=max .
For pushing from cache to your image registry, add to the docker/podman command:
docker buildx build --build-arg NB_GID=0 --build-arg CUDA_VERSION=$CUDA_VERSION --build-arg ELYRA_VERSION=$ELYRA_VERSION --build-arg PYTHON_VERSION=$PYTHON_VERSION --build-arg PYTORCH_VERSION=$PYTORCH_VERSION --build-arg SUPPORT_GPU=$SUPPORT_GPU --build-arg TENSORFLOW_VERSION=$TENSORFLOW_VERSION -t $TARGET -f Dockerfile --platform linux/amd64,linux/ppc64le --push --cache-from=type=local,src=cache .
- Create an empty mamba environment, for example, by connecting into a mamba-enabled container:
docker run -it /bin/bash
...and by initializing an empty environment:
mamba create -n myenv
mamba init
mamba activate myenv
- Experiment with your install configuration until stable, for example:
CONDA_OVERRIDE_CUDA="11.4.4" mamba install -c -c main --override-channels python=3.9 pytorch=1.12.1 tensorflow=2.9.2 horovod 'huggingface::datasets>=2.1.0' opencv blas=*=openblas jupyterhub jupyterlab conda mamba pip 'conda-forge::nb_black' 'conda-forge::nodejs>=12.0.0' boto3 brotli dm-tree etils numpy orc pandas pillow transformers 'pynacl' 'regex' 'ujson' altair beautifulsoup4 bokeh bottleneck cloudpickle cython dask dill h5py ipympl ipywidgets matplotlib-base numba numexpr patsy protobuf pytables scikit-image scikit-learn scipy seaborn sqlalchemy statsmodels sympy widgetsnbextension xlrd tensorboard tensorflow-addons tensorflow-datasets tensorflow-hub tensorflow-model-optimization tensorflow-probability tensorflow-text torchvision tf2onnx onnx onnxruntime kedro py-xgboost matplotlib