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Notes and files for AstriCon 2018 Day Of Learning


We have 4 virtual nodes:

  • openshift-master
  • openshift-node-1
  • openshift-node-2
  • openshift-infra-node-3

Nodes 1 and 2 are regular compute nodes. Node 3 will act as our infrastructure node (inbound traffic to the compute nodes). The master will host the web console and the API for the nodes.

The Master, Node 1 and Node 2 will host the GlusterFS storage cluster.

Virtual Machine Spin Up

We'll use our base-infra-bootstrap repo and the inventory files provided by this repository to spin up our virtual machines. These will sit as the foundation for our OpenShift deployment.

mkdir -p ~/src/astricon2018
cd ~/src/astricon2018 && \
    git clone ./configs
cd ~/src/github/redhat-nfvpe && \
    git clone
cd base-infra-bootstrap

# instantiate our virtual hosts
ansible-playbook -i ../configs/inventory/virthost \
    -e "@../configs/inventory/vars.yml" playbooks/virt-host-setup.yml

# make sure NetworkManager is installed, enabled, started
ansible -i ../configs/inventory/inventory.yml -m raw -s \
    --sudo -a "yum install NetworkManager -y ; systemctl enable NetworkManager.service ; systemctl start NetworkManager.service" all

If all has gone well, you should now have all 4 virtual machines up and running.

Deploying OpenShift Origin 3.9

We'll now deploy our OpenShift Origin 3.9 onto the virtual machines.

ansible-playbook -i ../configs/inventory/inventory.yml \
    playbooks/prerequisites.yml \

Post-Deployment Configuration

There are a few things we'll need to do post-deployment in order to get logged into the system.

ssh [email protected]     # openshift-master
sudo htpasswd -b /etc/origin/master/htpasswd admin welcome

You can now make sure you can login to the web console with your username/password. Go to (or whatever your hostnames are setup for). You may need to add this to your /etc/hosts file if you don't have real DNS setup.

We also need to make sure we give ourselves cluster wide permissions so we can eventually push into the cluster from our development machine.

oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-admin admin

Setup APB Development Machine

The APB development machine is where we'll do our APB development. We'll push our catalog item(s) into our OpenShift Origin setup so that things are available in the service catalog.

Install and setup Docker

ssh [email protected]     #
sudo groupadd docker
sudo usermod -aG docker centos
newgrp docker
sudo yum install docker git vim-enhanced -y
sudo systemctl enable docker.service
sudo systemctl start docker.service

Install oc command

curl -#SL -O
tar zxvf openshift-origin-client-tools-v3.9.0-191fece-linux-64bit.tar.gz
mkdir -p ~/.local/bin
mv openshift-origin-client-tools-v3.9.0-191fece-linux-64bit/oc ~/.local/bin/
rm -rf openshift-origin-client-tools-v3.9.0-191fece-linux-64bit*

Install apb and ansible command

sudo yum -y install wget
sudo su -c 'wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/ansible-service-broker.repo'
sudo yum -y install
sudo yum -y install apb ansible

Login to OpenShift

oc login -u admin -p welcome --insecure-skip-tls-verify=true

APB Creation

# get route of Ansible Service Broker (ASB)
oc project openshift-ansible-service-broker
oc get route

# APB configuration
$ apb config
Broker namespace [default: openshift-automation-service-broker]: openshift-ansible-service-broker
Broker resource URL [default: /apis/]: 
Broker route name [default: broker]: asb-1338
clusterservicebroker resource name [default: openshift-automation-service-broker]: ansible-service-broker
Broker route suffix [default: osb]: ansible-service-broker

git clone
cd astricon2018/apb/asterisk15-apb
apb bundle prepare
oc project openshift
oc new-build --binary=true --name asterisk15-apb
oc start-build --follow --from-dir . asterisk15-apb

Create a new APB

# create an APB
ansible-galaxy init --type=apb asterisk15-apb
cd asterisk15-apb

# prepare
apb bundle prepare

# create build (only needed once)
oc project openshift
oc new-build --binary=true --name asterisk15-apb

# build
oc start-build --follow --from-dir . asterisk15-apb

# reload ansible service broker
apb broker bootstrap

# reload the catalog listing
apb catalog relist

# view catalog items
apb broker catalog

# build registry
apb registry add openshift --namespaces default,openshift --type local_openshift


Notes and files for AstriCon 2018 Day Of Learning







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