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Decorate functions with @check_tensor_shapes() and any parameter with a type hint of type ShapedTensor[<desc>] will be dynamically checked for the correct shape. A shape descriptor is a string of space-separated length descriptions for each dimension, where

  • sizes can be defined explicitly as an integer, e.g. "5 3" (only tensors of shape (5, 3) are valid)
  • * can be used as a wildcard, allowing any size, e.g. "* 5" (any 2D tensor with length 5 in the second dimension is valid)
  • sizes may be given as a variable, e.g. "b 3" (any 2D tensor with length 3 in the second dimension is valid)
  • an arbitrary length of batch dimensions can be defined, e.g. "... k 3" (an n-dimensional tensor (n >= 2) with length 3 in the last dimension)
  • the batch dimension(s) can also be named to be matched across annotations, e.g. "...B n 4" (an n-dimensional tensor (n >= 2) with length 4 in the last dimension)
  • variables can have arbitrary names, as long as they are not interpretable by the other rules, e.g. "my_first_dimension 123_456_test 2" (any 3D tensor with length 2 in the third dimension).

If multiple parameters are annotated with the same variable, the shapes must have the same length along that dimension, i.e. if a tensor x has annotation "a b 3" and another tensor y has annotation "b 2", then x.shape[1] must be equal to y.shape[0].

The return value can also be annotated in the same way. Additionally, the the annotations can be arbitrarily nested in tuples or lists. Optional ShapedTensor parameters must be explicitly annotated as a union with the NoneType (see examples below).

Parameters of type int are added to the list of shape variables, which allows to specify fixed shapes dynamically. This behavior can be turned off with @check_tensor_shapes(ints_to_variables=False). An example is shown below.

There are convenience functions that access the current states of the shape variables inside the wrapped function. You can use get_shape_variables(<desc>) to retrieve a tuple of variable variables states directly, for example if you are inside a function where a tensor was annotated as x: ShapedTensor["a 3 b"], you can access the values of a and b as a, b = get_shape_variables("a b"). You can even go one step further and do a check tensors inside the wrapped function directly with assert_shape_here(x, <desc>), which will run a check on the object or shape x given the descriptor and add previously unseen variables in the descriptor to the state inside the wrapped function. This way you can check the output of the function against tensor shapes that only appear in the body of the function.


Currently, the package can only be installed directly from the repository with

pip install git+


While the examples below are using PyTorch, tensor-shape-assert requires very minimal functionality and is compatible with any array class that has a shape method, which includes popular frameworks such as NumPy, TensorFlow, Jax and more generally frameworks that conform to the Python array API standard.


Here are two examples that demonstrate how the annotation works.

Simple example

import torch
from .tensor_shape_assert import check_tensor_shapes, ShapedTensor

def my_simple_func(
        x: ShapedTensor["a b 3"],
        y: ShapedTensor["b 2"]
) -> ShapedTensor["a"]:

    z = x[:, :, :2] + y[None]
    return (z[:, :, 0] * z[:, :, 1]).sum(dim=1)

Calling it like this

my_simple_func(torch.zeros(5, 4, 3), y=torch.zeros(4, 2)) # works

passes the test, because a=5 and b=4 matches for both input and output annotations.


my_simple_func(torch.zeros(5, 4, 3), y=torch.zeros(4, 3)) # fails

the test fails, because y is expected to have length 2 in the second dimension.

Complex example

The complex example additionally contains tuple and optional annotations.

def my_complicated_func(
        x: tuple[
            ShapedTensor["a ... 3"],
            ShapedTensor["b"] | None,
            ShapedTensor["c 2"]
        y: ShapedTensor["... c"]
) -> tuple[
    ShapedTensor["b"] | None
    x1, x2, x3 = x
    z = x1[..., 2:] # (a, ..., 1)
    r = x3[:, 0] + y # (..., c)
    f = r[None] + z # (a, ..., c)
    g = f.flatten(1).sum(dim=1) # (a,)

    if x2 is not None and x2.sum() > 0:
        return g, x2
        return g, None

Here are some calling examples:

        torch.zeros(5, 4, 3),
        torch.zeros(4, 2),
    y=torch.zeros(4, 4)
) # works

This works, because a=5, b=8, c=4 and the batch dimension (4,) matches for all annotated tensors.

        torch.zeros(5, 4, 3),
        torch.zeros(4, 2),
    y=torch.zeros(4, 4)
) # works

This call also passes the test, because the second item in x is allowed to be optional, whereas

        torch.zeros(5, 3, 6, 3),
        torch.zeros(4, 2),
    y=torch.zeros(4, 4)
) # fails

fails, because the batch dimension does not match between the first item in x (batch dim = (3,6)) and tensor y (batch dim = (4,)).

Retrieve shape variables

You can access the shape variable values using get_shape_variables like this

def my_func(x: ShapedTensor["n k 3"]):
    n, k = get_shape_variables("n k")
my_func(torch.zeros(10, 9))  # prints "9"

int to variables

If int parameters are present, they can be used inside the shape descriptors:

def my_func(x: ShapedTensor["n k"], k: int):
    return x.sum(dim=1)

my_func(torch.zeros(10, 2), k=2) # works
my_func(torch.zeros(10, 2), k=3) # fails

unless this functionality is explicitly turned off:

def my_func(x: ShapedTensor["n k"], k: int):
    return x.sum(dim=1)

my_func(torch.zeros(10, 2), k=2) # works
my_func(torch.zeros(10, 2), k=3) # works

Future Improvements

These are feature that are not implemented yet, but might be added in future releases.

  • dtype annotation
  • add tests for autogenerated constraints and come up with a specific syntax to enable it (or enable it by default?)
  • make exception messages more concise and remove currently used exception reraise
  • improve annotation handling for method overrides in subclasses
  • add tests for frameworks other than PyTorch
  • check compatibility with static type checkers
  • device annotation


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