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capital efficient, censor proof, yield-bearing stablecoin using basis trading

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Test using Foundry

  1. Install forge dependency
    • forge install
  2. Compile contract code
    • forge build
  3. Run testcases
    • forge test --fork-url --ffi
  4. Run deployment scripts (not used)
    • source .env
    • forge script script/LemmaTestnetScripts.sol:LemmaTestnetScripts --rpc-url $OPTIMISM_KOVAN_RPC_URL --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY --broadcast --verify --etherscan-api-key $ETHERSCAN_KEY -vvvv
  • NOTE: In theory everything should be already set properly for the above to run but in case there are issues try to initialize the repo as Foundry Repo
    • forge init --force --no-commit
    • It should add all the necessary files like the foundry.toml,installing lib the forge-std Standard Library that is required for tests
    • It could also be possible the lib dir is not added in the foundry.toml to the libs array that is used for the import lookups, as when Foundry detects Hardhat it could just add the node_modules dir so in that case remember to add it so that libs = ['lib', 'node_modules']

Deploy on Optimism using Hardhat

  1. Deploy command
    • Optimism: npx hardhat run scripts/perpetual/deploy.ts --network optimism
    • Optimism-Kovan: npx hardhat run scripts/perpetual/deploy.ts --network optimismKovan
  2. Verify contract command
    • npx hardhat verify --network optimismKovan <Deployment Address>

Bug Bounty

Test JS tests for Perpetual Integration (DEPRECATED)

  1. Go to root repo\
    • cd basis-trading-stablecoin\
  2. open terminal-1 and run,
    • npx hardhat node
  3. open terminal-2 and run
    • npx hardhat test --network local
  4. test coverage (no need to start npx hardhat node)\
    • npx hardhat coverage --network local\
    • npx hardhat coverage --testfiles "test/perpetual/perpLemma.multiCollateral.ts" --network local
  5. ethlint check
    • solium -d contracts/
  6. slither check
    • slither .

Test MCDEX V3 integration locally (DEPRECATED)

  1. git submodule update --init
  2. git submodule update
  3. npm install
  4. cd mai-protocol-v3/
  5. npm install
  6. cd ..
  7. npm run compile
  8. npx hardhat node
  9. npx hardhat test --network local


capital efficient, censor proof, yield-bearing stablecoin using basis trading






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