Thought this would be a simpler implementation rather than Django, so thought I'd take the opportunity to use FastAPI for a slightly larger project.
The data is stored in memory, so could be the basis of a sharded application, but may want to drop to a lower level language. Otherwise look into scaled DBs e.g. Redis/ES/Aurora
For a fully structured source package layout etc see the Django implementation.
pip install virtualenvwrapper
mkvirtualenv cpr
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
Optional: download spacy data file
python -m spacy download en_core_web_md
Launch the server!
uvicorn main:app --reload
docker build -t cpr2 . && docker run -p 8000:8000 -v %cd%:/usr/src/app cpr2
That's it!
To stop the docker container
docker ps
docker stop *dockerid*
Where the first few letters of the docker instance are enough.
http://localhost:8000/policy/search/environment%20policy Will return jaccard_similarity in documents, which are ordered descending by that similarity.
If you're not on Windows! http://localhost:8000/policy/spacy_search/environment%20policy This is not preloaded at the moment but the nlp processing is cached so it will get speedier with use.
Autogenerated with FastAPI
Install pytest
pip install pytest
Then run tests
pytest tests/
- Complete tests
- Put/Patch/Delete
- Pydantic/ORM etc
- tfidf maybe?
- Store vectors
- NLP models, Bert/Google Universal Sentence Encoder?
- Preload nlp for documents
- Use scalable DB e.g. ES, redis, serverless DB etc.