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Render CDK Documentation


render_cdk provides a streamlined interface for interacting with Render, a platform that allows you to build, deploy, and scale your apps with ease. This crate abstracts Render's API, making it easier to work with Render cloud programmatically.

Crate Information

Current Features

Work on the resource management module is currently under way. The API supports many of the same actions available from the Render Dashboard. It currently provides endpoints for managing:

  • Services
  • Deploys
  • Custom domains
  • Jobs

The CDK will provide an abstraction that will make it easier to work with the Render cloud programmatically.

Environment Manager

Code Sample

Here is an example of how to use the EnvironmentManager to retrieve your API key from environment variables:


use dotenv::dotenv;

pub struct EnvironmentManager {
    pub API_KEY: String,

impl EnvironmentManager {
    pub fn retrieve_api_key() -> Self {

        let api_key = std::env::var_os("API_KEY").expect("[API_KEY] must be set.");

        Self {
            API_KEY: api_key.into_string().unwrap(),


To configure the environment variables for use with the render_cdk, you need to set the API_KEY environment variable. You can do this by creating a .env file in the root of your project with the following content:


Make sure to replace rnd_xxxxXXXXxxxxXXXXxxxXX with your actual Render API key.

Getting Started


Before using render_cdk, ensure you have the following installed:

  • Rust (latest stable version recommended)
  • Cargo (comes with Rust)


Add render_cdk to your Cargo.toml:

render_cdk = "0.0.1"


Here is a basic example of how to use the render_cdk crate to interact with Render's API:

use render_cdk::EnvironmentManager;

fn main() {
    let env_manager = EnvironmentManager::retrieve_api_key();
    println!("API Key: {}", env_manager.API_KEY);

    // Your code to interact with Render's API

Service Manager

Code Sample

Here's a sample using the list_all_services method from the ServiceManager:


use render_cdk::environment_management::prelude::*;
use render_cdk::resource_management::prelude::*;
use tokio::main;

async fn main() {
    let services = ServiceManager::list_all_services("20").await;
    // Process the services as needed


Contributions are welcome! Please see the repository for more information on how to contribute.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


For questions, issues, or suggestions, please open an issue on the repository.

  • Thank you for using render_cdk! We hope this documentation helps you get started quickly.


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