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This Symfony2 bundle provide a service and a Twig extension to convert and display currencies.


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This Symfony2 bundle provide a service and a twig extension to convert and display currencies.

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Add the bunde to your composer.json file:

require: {
    // ...
    "lexik/currency-bundle": "~2.0"
    // ...

As of version 1.2.0, currency_format does not convert the currency anymore, it only formats the given value according to the locale. If you need to convert and format a value, please use currency_convert_format filter.

Then run a composer update:

composer.phar update
# OR
composer.phar update lexik/currency-bundle # to only update the bundle

Register the bundle with your kernel:

// in AppKernel::registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
    // ...
    new Lexik\Bundle\CurrencyBundle\LexikCurrencyBundle(),
    // ...


Minimun configuration:

# app/config/config.yml
        default: EUR              # [required] the default currency
        managed: [EUR, USD, ...]  # [required] all currencies used in your app

Additonal options (default values are shown here):

# app/config/config.yml
        precision:  2                           # number of digits for the decimal part
        round_mode: up                          # round mode to use (up|down|even|odd)
	currency_class: Lexik\Bundle\CurrencyBundle\Entity\Currency  # Use your custom Currency Entity
    default_adapter: doctrine_currency_adapter  # service id OR tag alias, this is adapter used by the conversion service

Initialize currencies

To initialize the currencies rate in the database run the following command:

./app/console lexik:currency:import <currency adapter identifier>

Example by using the ECB adapter, to get rates from the European Central Bank. In the command line ecb is the value returned by the getIdentifier() method of the adapter class.

./app/console lexik:currency:import ecb


Currency conversion service

Use the convert() method from the lexik_currency.converter service:

// by default the amount will rounded and the amount have to be in the default currency
$convertedAmount = $container->get('lexik_currency.converter')->convert($amount, $targetCurrency);

// here the amount won't be rounded and we specify that $amount currency is 'USD'
$convertedAmount = $container->get('lexik_currency.converter')->convert($amount, $targetCurrency, false, 'USD');
Retrieve managed configurations

In the controller, you can use the following line to retrieve an array of all managed currencies:

$managedCurrencies = $this->container->getParameter('lexik_currency.currencies.managed');
Twig filters

The bundle provide 3 filters to convert and format a value:

  • currency_convert: convert a value.
  • currency_format: format a value according to the current locale.
  • currency_convert_format: convert and format a value.

Here an example with the currency_convert_format filter.

{% set targetCurrency = 'EUR' %}
{{ amount | currency_convert_format(targetCurrency) }}

You can also pass more arguments, to display or not decimal and the currency symbol. And you can specify the amount's currency if needed.

{% set targetCurrency = 'EUR' %}
{% set amountCurrency = 'USD' %}
{% set decimal = false %}
{% set symbol = true %}

{{ amount | currency_convert_format(targetCurrency, decimal, symbol, amountCurrency) }}
Load conversions rate from another source (custom CurrencyAdatpter)

If you need to load conversions rates from another source you will have to create a CurrencyAdatpter and set it as the default adapter.

To create your custom adapter you will have to extend Lexik\Bundle\CurrencyBundle\Adapte\AbstractCurrencyAdapter which define 2 abstract methods:

  • getIdentifier(): returns the identifier of the adapter.
  • attachAll(): loads the currencies with their rate (this method is call from the import command to get all currencies to save in the database).

Here an example


namespace MyProject\With\Some\Rainbows;

use Lexik\Bundle\CurrencyBundle\Adapter\AbstractCurrencyAdapter;

class RainbowCurrencyAdapter extends AbstractCurrencyAdapter
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function attachAll()
    	$defaultRate = 1;

        // Add default currency (euro in this example)
        $euro = new $this->currencyClass;

        $this[$euro->getCode()] = $euro;

        // Get other currencies
        $currencies = // get all currencies with their rate (from a file, an url, etc)

        foreach ($currencies as $code => $rate) {
            if (in_array($code, $this->managedCurrencies)) { // you can check if the currency is in the managed currencies
                $currency = new $this->currencyClass;

                $this[$currency->getCode()] = $currency;

        // get the default rate from the default currency defined in the configuration
        if (isset($this[$this->defaultCurrency])) {
            $defaultRate = $this[$this->defaultCurrency]->getRate();

        // convert rates according to the default one.

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function getIdentifier()
        return 'rainbow';

Then define the adapter as a service, don't forget the lexik_currency.adapter tag:

<service id="my_project.rainbow_currency_adapter" class="MyProject\With\Some\Rainbows\RainbowCurrencyAdapter">
    <call method="setDefaultCurrency">
    <call method="setManagedCurrencies">
    <call method="setCurrencyClass">
    <tag name="lexik_currency.adapter" alias="rainbow_currency_adapter" />

And import the currencies by using your adapter:

./app/console lexik:currency:import rainbow


This Symfony2 bundle provide a service and a Twig extension to convert and display currencies.








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