This add-on began as a simple port but is now a continuation. Origianl add-on was created by Wahazar and aleksey. This mod adds Slinghot and paper processing for use with TerraFirmaCraft+.
Click here to view Wahazar's project
The old forum page from Wahazar
This mod replaces the simple reeds to paper recipe with process similar to ancient papirus production:
First, reeds must be bleached and macerated in limewater, this will give you cellulose fibers:
10 buckets of limewater is needed for 64 reeds
Place a Wooden Press on the floor while sneaking. Cover the wooden press with the cellulose fibre (placing on top while sneaking), you need two cellulose fibre in your hand to do that. At last place another Wooden Press on top. Now the block is fully complete and needs to dry in the sun.
The block will slightly change color to indicate that it's dry after 10 hours of exposed sunlight. You will also notice that the paper inbetween is not a sludge anymore.
When broken it will drop your Wooden Press and your newly created paper! There is a small change it will only drop one Wooden Press. The output paper is between 1-3.
There is option to disable this recipe and use vanilla one.
This mod offers a primitive ranged weapon: the slingshot
The slingshot uses the following types of ammunition:
- Hard stone (from any ingenous rock) - crushing damage
- Sharp stone (from any metamorfic rock) - slashing damage
- Soft stone (from any sedimentary rock) - no damage bonus, decreased force.
Furthest is the Hard Stone, than Sharp Stone, than Soft Stone
There is an option to disable the slingshot.
Leather belt is made by carving horizontal stripe from leather (up to 3 belts from one leather)
Slingshot is made from wooden twig and leather belt
One rock can be knapped into 4 stones:
Stone hammer is fragile and weak, you need few of them to defeat skeleton., is of course much worse than copper mace, but better than stone hammer. Ultimate tool, if you need to sweep old bones from your yard.
Feel free to use it in your modpack