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A POC Recipe Android Application using Google Mediapipe Hands Tracking model for smart touchless scrolling.


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Touchless Chef

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A POC Recipe Android Application using Google Mediapipe Hands Tracking model for smart touchless scrolling.


A. Acknowledgement:

  • Tran Nguyen Bao Long @TNBL: Project Lead
    • define software architecture
    • documentation
  • Li Xueqing @cnmnrll: Project Design
    • set basic Recipe, Ingredients and Instructions models model
    • documentation
  • Melodie Chew En Qi @melmelchew: Marketing + Frontend
    • RecyclerView and NavigationView
    • adapter for RecyclerView
  • Melvin Lim Boon Han @melvinlimbh: Marketing + Frontend
    • Fragments for different cuisines home
    • Fragments for creating recipes RecipeCreate
    • all resources and layouts res
  • Han Jin @dlmszhhh: Backend Acitivity
  • Wang Zhouran @wzrwzr23: Backend Database
    • setup SQLite database and corresponding Data Access Objects dao and adapter
  • Liang Junyi @LiangJunyi-010 Backend HandTracking

B. Description

Overview of Design Pattern used:

  • Adapter Design Pattern (for SQLite database and RecyclerView)
  • Singleton Design Pattern (for SQLite database)
  • Observer Design Pattern (for CreateRecipeActivity)
  • Factory Design Pattern (for Cuisine Fragment)
  • Template Method Design Pattern (for Create Recipe Fragment)
  • Utilize Parcelable interface:
    • speed up data transfer using Java Serializable
    • easily pass data as Bundle object through Activity
  • Recipe:
    • id: primary key for SQLite
    • name: name of recipe
    • description: short description of recipe
    • category: category/cuisine (Vietnamese/Chinese)
    • mealType: type of meals (Breakfast, Dinner,...)
    • time: estimated to prepare the dish
    • imagePath: local URI path to Recipe image
    • ingredients: list of ingredients
    • instructions: list of instructions
  • Instruction:
    • id: primary key for SQLite
    • recipeID: foreign key
    • content: instruction body
  • Ingredient
    • id: primary key for SQLite
    • recipeID: foreign key
    • name: ingredient name

1. Database

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  • Adapter in DatabaseAdapter
    • using Adapter Design Pattern as main API for Recipe CRUD operations
    • using Singleton Design Pattern to create a single instance of our database to be shared within all activities
  • Data Access Objects (DAO):
    • provide an API for our app to set/get data from SQLite database
    • map SQLite Config with corresponding model attributes
    • Config is a nested class improving encapsulation since it is only used within dao package for CRUD operations

2. Activity

  • Both MainActivity and ViewRecipeActivity inherits a Toolbar (explain in section B5a) from abstract class MenuActivity
  • MainActivity
    • implements interface BaseFragment.FragmentListener that define blueprint for methods to:
      • display recipe: onShowRecipe which navigates to ViewRecipeActivity (an Explicit Intent)
      • delete recipe: onDeleteRecipe
    • consists of 3 main views:
      • ImageView show background image for selected Cuisines
      • DrawerLayout for NavigationView (explain in section B5b)
      • NestedScrollView for displaying of recipes for different Cuisine Fragments (explain in section B4a)
  • ViewRecipeActivity:
    • display chosen recipe from the data passed as parcel from MainActivity
    • where HandsTracking feature (explain in section B3) is located
  • CreateRecipeActivity
    • implements 3 Recipe Create Fragment listener, each corresponding to 1 step in creating the recipe (explain in section B4b)
    • using Observer Design Pattern, changing Fragment when reaching subsequent step in creating Recipe

3. Hand Tracking

  • This feature is implemented in ViewRecipeActivity
    • 2 main Buttons Start Tracking and Stop Tracking to enable/disable the feature, which open up a glSurfaceView in the RelativeLayout at the bottom of the page
    • glSurfaceView is an instance of SolutionGlSurfaceView<HandsResult> provided by Mediapipe Library, similar to OpenGL that allows writing words and drawing on webcam output.
    • we detect whether the index finger is pointing up or down and from there, post a Runnable to our ScrollView (that is displaying the Ingredients and Instructions) to perform a smooth scroll correspoding to the gesture. drawing

4. Fragment

a. Cuisine Fragment under fragment/home

  • Both ChineseFragment and VietnameseFragment extends from abstract class BaseFragment
    • using Factory Design Pattern (BaseFragment is the factory, ChineseFragment and VietnameseFragment are the products) allow us to easily scale to multiple cuisines in the future
    • the only abstract method is getFragmentLayout that each product should define to generate its own correct fragment
    • both using RecyclerView to display its recipes (explain in section B5c)

b. Recipe Create Fragment under fragment/recipe

  • 3 fragments correspond to 3 steps in creating a new Recipe:
    • RecipeCreateImageFragment: (1st step) to add image, description, choose meal type and time
    • RecipeCreateIngredientFragment: (2nd step) to add ingredients
    • RecipeCreateInstructionFragment: (3rd step) to add instructions

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  • All 3 Create Recipe Fragments extends the abstract class NavigableFragment:
    • blueprint for method onNext that define which fragment to navigate to after completing each creating new recipe step
    • using Template Method Design Pattern with NavigableFragment as the template
  • RecipeCreateImageFragment can access the local storage to upload new image for recipe (an Implicit Intent)

5. View and Layout

a. Toolbar

  • Both MainActivity and ViewRecipeActivity needs to define its own Toolbar according to the blueprint defined in the abstract class MenuActivity
  • MainActivity Toolbar:
    • includes NavigationView (explain in section B5b below)
    • includes menu to add a "New recipe"
  • ViewRecipeActivity Toolbar:
    • support Edit and Delete recipe functionalities

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b. Navigation View and DrawerLayout

  • make use of a switch case to switch to a different cuisine inside MainActivity
  • once a new cuisine is selected, the corresponding Fragment (ChineseFragment or VietnameseFragment) will be added into NestedScrollView to show recipe CardView

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c. RecyclerView

  • We user RecyclerView at 2 places:
    • to display recipes in the Cuisine Fragment (BaseFragment)
    • to display the added ingredients and instructions when creating new recipe in Recipe Create Fragment
  • To implement RecyclerView we need to implement the corresponding adapter as shown in adapter/recipe (Adapter Design Pattern)
    • the 3 main functions in each adapter to override are:
      • onCreateViewHolder that inflate a new view in the parent layout to allow for display of listed items
      • onBindViewHolder that binds the data to be displayed in as listed items
      • getItemCount that return the size of all the items to be displayed
    • in the corresponding Fragment, before we set the above adapter, we also need to set a LinearLayoutManager for the RecyclerView to reside in
    • code examples:
private RecyclerView instructionRecyclerView;
instructionRecyclerView.setLayoutManager(new LinearLayoutManager(getActivity()));

C. Appendix

0. Reference:

1. User Story Development

  • BDD: Behaviour-Driven Design
  • SMART User Stories: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time- boxed


A POC Recipe Android Application using Google Mediapipe Hands Tracking model for smart touchless scrolling.







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