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Releases: liftr-framework/cli


01 Apr 09:01
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  • added different REST methods #16
  • refactored the way of working with CLI / added inquirer.js - more user friendly
  • added find and insertion for modules
  • refactored creation of component
  • fixed insertion of routes spacing

liftr-cli v2

19 Oct 14:07
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v2 of the cli supports the new version of the Liftr framework


  • Module creation
  • Route target creation
  • New setup method - pulling the new Liftr skeleton instead of creating
  • Cleaned up code and streamlined the component creation process

Created basic test files and bug fixes

11 Jun 19:04
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  • Created basic test file for controller (on init and when creating)
  • Unit testing now fully incorporated with sinon-chai (included with mocha-require.ts)
  • Bugs where file could not be found when running liftr -s <setupname>

Updated packages and Liftr project check

17 May 14:03
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  • Commands will now only work in a Liftr project (project check)
  • Packages updated (@jeroenouw)
  • Fixed bugs when creating routes/controllers/middleware

Testing suite and linting added to initial setup

11 Apr 11:00
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  • New commands in the setup for testing and linting
  • test suite and linting configs added
  • Needed dependencies added to setup package.json
  • Readme changes
  • .gitignore auto added to the setup project

Nodemon dev support

04 Mar 10:37
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  • @rsschouwenaar updated contribution readme
  • @rsschouwenaar added more detail to success message liftr --setup
  • Added nodemon and nodemon.json for functional environment

Added type checking (tscov) and correct handling of errors

25 Feb 08:37
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Liftr versioning, readme and middleware creation

22 Feb 14:55
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  • Middleware created in correct folder
  • Readme updated

Liftr creation

22 Feb 14:54
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chore: small update to readme