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Extension for managing the files located in the l10n folder of a TYPO3 installation. It provides several CLI commands for file and label handling as well as a backend module to translate any label.
Add all paths to XLF files you want to handle with this extension (e.g. news/Resources/Private/Languages/locallang.xlf) alongside all languages you want to support in the extension manager configuration.
- Convert XML to XLF (CLI)
- Create missing files in the l10n folder (CLI)
- Create missing labels in files in the l10n folder (CLI)
- Proof integrity of language file sin the l10n folder (CLI)
- Edit existing labels in a custom backend module (BE)
Execute all CLI commands
- in TYPO3 7LTS via the prefix
typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase
- in TYPO3 8LTS via the prefix
- With typo3-console via the prefix
Create all missing files in l10n/de. This will create copies of all configured files that are not there yet.
l10n:createMissingFiles --language=de
Create all missing labels in l10n/es in all configured files.
l10n:createMissingLabels --l10nFile=powermail/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf --language=es
Create all missing labels for powermail in spanish and fills the source language with german labels.
l10n:createMissingLabels --l10nFile=powermail/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf --language=es --sourceLanguage=de
Override all labels in a specific file with labels from another language.
l10n:overwriteWithLanguage --l10nFile=powermail/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf --language=es --sourceLanguage=de
Create all missing files for all configured languages
typo3cms l10n:createmissingfilesforallconfiguredlanguages
Create all missing labels for all configured languages
Create all missing files for all existing sys_languages
typo3cms l10n:createmissingfilesforallsystemlanguages
Create all missing labels for all existing sys_languages
the first command copy the locallang.xml file to all languages in the l10n-Folder, for preparing the second command, which writes the XLF-Files
typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase l10n:prepareXmlLanguageFiles --xmlFile=<extKey>/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xml
typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase l10n:allxml2xlf --xmlFile=<extKey>/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xml