Support for:
- VitualBox
- VMware (preferred)
- Parallels (preferred)
Vagrant is a tool for automatic creation, configuration, management and provisioning of VMs inside VirtualBox, VMware and Parallels (and others). It will create and manage all VM network interfaces, shares and settings (eg. number of cpus, memory...).
Hint: Vagrant doesn't provides GUI tools, it's just a CLI tool.
I wanted a customizable development box (with possiblity to use it as sandbox) and i also wanted my favorite development tools inside my box which are up2date.
Also Vagrant provides a sharing/connection service that will make your Vagrant box public accessible (eg if you want to show a customer the current result of your work).
Only services (apache, nginx, mysql and other) are used inside docker containers. Working files are stored inside the vm-box (the old way) or outside (the modern way) with shares.
Also this VM should be a sandbox so eg. no email should be send to other servers - they are catched by a local postfix daemon and can be accessed by IMAP (dovecot).
Following the "keep it simple, stupid" this box provides all tools with a simple "vagrant up"
- Requirements
- Installation
- Usage
- Updating - Keep your box up2ate
- Services
- Using Docker
- Using CliTools
- About Provisioning
- Troubleshooting
- Changelog
Thanks for support, ideas and issues ...
Did I forget anyone? Send me a tweet or create pull request!
- Reverse Proxy
- distributed perverse proxy configuration via shared folders for easy and fast deployment
- auto update composer and stuff? -> ansible tag?
- Vagrantfile
- private IP-address
- move vagrant home to shared folder?
- /etc/host provision
- testing