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Amazon Inventory File Upload Errors

Hakan Ensari edited this page Jan 27, 2018 · 2 revisions
Code Message
5000 The update for Sku 'SKU' was skipped because it is identical to the update in feed FEED_ID.
5002 We are sorry, but we were unable to process this message. Please review the message and verify that it is accurate. Then, please resubmit the message.
5500 The product-id you provided (ID_OR_SKU) matches to multiple Amazon products. Please select the most relevant Amazon Standard Id (ASIN) and provide it in the ASIN-Hint field. The matching Amazon Standard Id's are : (PRODUCT_ID).
5501 We did not find any products on Amazon using the product-id (ID_OR_SKU) provided by you. If you already know the Amazon Standard Id (ASIN), please provide it in the product-id field and set the product-id-type as ASIN.
5503 The product-id you provided (ID_OR_SKU) does not match with the ASIN associated with the given SKU (PRODUCT_ID). Either provide correct product-id or use ASIN as the product-id or delete the existing sku prior to sending this product-id.
5504 The ASIN-Hint you provided (ID_OR_SKU) does not match the ASIN already associated with the given SKU. Either provide correct ASIN-Hint or delete the existing sku prior to sending this record.
5505 The product-id you provided (ID_OR_SKU) in the product-id field is not a valid identifier. The product-id should be one of ASIN, UPC, EAN or ISBN.
6024 Seller is not authorized to list products by this brand name in this product line or category. For more details, see
8007 We cannot recognize your parent SKU: [ID_OR_SKU]. For help on how to proceed, see
8008 We cannot recognize the parent SKU of your record with SKU: [ID_OR_SKU]. For help on how to proceed, see
8016 The product data provided was insufficient for creating a variation (parent/child) relationship for SKU: [ID_OR_SKU]. For more information, see
8026 Seller is not authorized to list products in this category. For more details, see
8032 Invalid variation relationship: The child variation is already assigned to a parent SKU. Please delete the old relationship before submitting a new relationship.
8058 Some attributes are missing for SKU: [ID_OR_SKU].For more details, see
8059 The item you are attempting to list (SKU: [ID_OR_SKU]) is restricted by Amazon for your locale, therefore this record was ignored.
8065 Please provide a variation theme when creating a variation parent.
8066 Please indicate that the item is a variation parent before setting up variation relationships.
8080 The content in attribute VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE does not conform to detail page requirements because it contains HTML or other types of text markup or code. Search on "detail page rules" in seller Help for more information about the requirements. To correct the error, remove all content that does not conform to the requirements, and resubmit your product information.
8101 Invalid ProductType value for SKU: [ID_OR_SKU]. For help fixing this, see
8105 The data you provided for [ID_OR_SKU] does not match the list of valid values. Please select a valid value from the Data Definitions and resubmit.
8115 Invalid ConditionType for SKU: [ID_OR_SKU]. For more details, see
8123 The item with SKU ID_OR_SKU cannot be modified because it matches a deleted item.
8126 The value provided for UPC '$1' is invalid. The invalid value can cause additional processing warnings and errors. Replace the invalid value with the correct UPC for the product and resubmit your feed.
8182 We have temporarily removed your ability to submit price updates for the rest of the day due to the high number of updates originating from your account. If you believe your price update privileges have been removed in error, please contact Seller Support by using the following link:
8211 The data you submitted with this product indicates it is a parent SKU, but it is being matched to a child ASIN in our catalog. This could happen if you provided a child ASIN in the Standard Product ID field, or if you incorrectly submitted a parentage of ""parent"" for this item.
8541 SKU [SKU], ASIN [ASIN], [ATTRIBUTE] ' Merchant: [VALUE]'/ Amazon: '[VALUE]'. The product_id provided with [SKU] corresponds to ASIN [ASIN], but some of the information submitted contradicts information in the Amazon catalog. If your product is the same as this ASIN, please modify your product data to reflect the following Amazon catalog values and resubmit. If your product is different than the ASIN, please check that the product_id is correct. If it is correct, please contact Seller Support for proper resolution.
8542 SKU [SKU], ASIN [ASIN], Merchant: [VALUE] Amazon: [none] Merchant: [VALUE] / Amazon: [VALUE], </xsl:text> . The product_id submitted with [SKU] corresponds to multiple ASINs ([ASINs]) but we are unable to determine which. Please update your information to best match the appropriate ASIN. If your product is different than any ASIN, please check the product_id. If it is correct, please contact Seller Support for proper resolution.
8560 SKU [SKU] Missing Attributes [ATTRIBUTES]. SKU [SKU] does not match any ASIN. Creation of a new ASIN requires the following missing attributes: [ATTRIBUTES]
8612 Sellers may not have more than 500 SKUs associated to the same ASIN. Please do one of the following and resubmit your feed: 1) Consolidate SKUs for identical listings already associated with this ASIN; or 2) Delete any obsolete SKUs associated with the ASIN.
8801 The child SKU ($1) could not be added to parent SKU ($2) because another SKU ($3) has the same variation attributes ($4) and is already associated with the parent SKU.
8802 Your feed has a parent/child relationship between parent SKU ($1) and child SKU ($2) that cannot be created. Your child SKU is assigned to ASIN ($4), which already has a variation parent. You do not need to take any further action.
8803 Your feed has a parent/child relationship between parent SKU '$1' and child SKU '$2' that cannot be created. Your child SKU shares the same variation attributes with another child ASIN '$4', which is not allowed. Do one of the following and then resubmit your feed: 1) Correct the variation attributes for your child SKU. 2) Update your child SKU to match ASIN '$4'. 3) Assign a different parent SKU to your child SKU. 4) Remove the variation theme on your child SKU, and remove the relationship to your child SKU.
13013 This SKU ID_OR_SKU does not exist in the catalog. Your price data was not processed. For reasons why, and help fixing this, see
13043 0.00 price (standard or sales) will not be accepted. Please ensure that every SKU in your feed has a price at least equal to or greater than 0.01.
14003 The submitted prices have overlapping dates.
14016 For multiple scheduled prices, the schedules overal or required schedules are missing.
20002 The SKU provided is too long or contains invalid characters. SKU must fit in no more than 40 bytes when encoded in the UTF-8 character encoding.
33032 For Ship Option: SHIP_OPTION: Insufficient data to establish a shipping override.
33033 Ship Option specified is not valid.
90039 One or more values (VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE) are in an unnamed field, so values were ignored.
90041 A value is required for the VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE field.
90047 Error extracting value and unit from "VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE" - VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE
90048 Error parsing currency value "VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE"
90054 The value "VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE" is invalid and was replaced with "VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE" which is the default value. To use a value other than the default value, choose one of the valid values for the template you are using.
90057 To correct this error, choose from the valid set of values.
90085 Values cannot be assigned to both the VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE (VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE) field and the VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE (VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE) field, so the value in the second field was ignored.
90095 Values cannot be assigned to both the VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE (VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE) field and the VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE (VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE) field at positions VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE and VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE respectively.
90109 The value in field VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE is too long and has been truncated to fit VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE characters.
90110 The value for VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE ("VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE") does not match any existing condition. The default value of "VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE" was used for the condition instead.
90111 The value "VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE" is not a valid VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE.
90112 The value "VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE" is not a valid VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE. The value must be in this format: VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE.
90113 The value "VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE" exceeds the maximum allowed: VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE.
90114 The value "VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE" is lower than the minimum allowed: VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE.
90115 The value "VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE" has more than the maximum number of decimal places allowed: VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE
90117 The value exceeds the maximum number of characters allowed: VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE.
90118 The value exceeds the maximum number of bytes allowed: VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE.
90119 The value "VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE" has fewer than the required number of characters: VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE
90121 The value must match this pattern: VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE
90122 HTML content is not allowed in this field.
90167 The item was not listed because it violates the restriction VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE on the attribute VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE.
90202 There is a restriction in effect at the item level (because of Item-Level gatings on an offer).
90205 The value $1 does not meet the $2 length limit for attribute $3 in SKU: [ID_OR_SKU]
95002 The VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE and VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE fields have missing or invalid values.
95009 A shipping price could not be found for this item in the VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE field. To correct this error, supply a shipping price with a U.S. or blank country code, leaving the region and service blank.
95010 HTML content is not allowed in the field VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE.
95021 The value in the VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE field must be greater than VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE.
95025 Column VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE contains a missing or invalid value. For each item you want to list we require you to include a valid value.
95026 Column VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE contains a missing or invalid value. For each item you want to list we require you to include a valid value.
95027 Column VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE contains a missing or invalid value. For each item you want to list we require you to include a valid value.
99001 A value is required for the VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE field.
99002 A EAN/UPC value in scientific notation is not allowed.
99003 A required value is missing for the specified variation theme.
99005 A value is missing from one or more required fields in this group.
99006 A value is required in the VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE field because there are values in dependent fields.
99007 The value in the VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE field conflicts with the value in the VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE field, so it was ignored.
99008 The value in the VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE field conflicts with the value in the VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE field.
99010 A value is missing from one or more required columns from this group.
99011 The value in the VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE field was ignored because it is invalid or conflicts with the value in another field.
99012 The value VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE contains invalid characters.
99018 One of the values assigned to VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE is invalid.
99019 A valid value is required in either the VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE or VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE field.
99021 A value is required in the VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE field because there is a value in a dependent field.
99022 The value in the VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE field does not meet the field's minimum requirement of VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE characters.
99023 The values in one or more fields were ignored because they are incompatible with the value in the VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE field.
99024 A value is required in field VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE for the specified product type.
99027 The value specified for the VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE field cannot be the same as the value for the VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE field.
99036 The VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE field contains an invalid value.
99037 The VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE field contains an invalid value.
99040 A value was not provided for VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE.
99041 A value was not provided for VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE. Please provide a value for VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE. This information appears on the product detail page and helps customers evaluate products.
99042 A value was not provided for VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE. Please provide a value for VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE. Please use the Product Classifier or download the category-specific Browse Tree Guide from Seller Help to see a list of valid VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE values. This information tells Amazon where your product should be classified and affects how easily customers can find your product.
99043 The value provided for VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE is not valid. Please use the Product Classifier or download the category-specific Browse Tree Guide from Seller Help to see a list of valid VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE values. This information tells Amazon where your product should be classified and affects how easily customers can find your product.
99045 The values provided for VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE and VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE are not a valid combination.
99101 The value you provided for VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE is not a valid product-id.
99102 The value assigned to VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE did not correspond with the value for VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE, and was corrected to VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE.
99110 The value in column VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE does not match the tracking number format for VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE. Please use the correct tracking number format for this carrier.
99111 The value assigned to VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE is incompatible with the value assigned to VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE, and was corrected to include both VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE and VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE.
99113 VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE field contains an invalid value: VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE.
99114 The VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE attribute has been deprecated and values for this attribute in your inventory file will be ignored. Do not submit values for the VALUE_OR_ATTRIBUTE attribute for your products.
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