有个域名iu1314,就写成iui314 就叫π UI 吧,随便画了个logo,整体像个心
字,左边像 IU
右边像个 π
字,再一看 不就是个虾
字,嗯,就是瞎写的,就这样吧,就让他叫 πUI
arco-design-pro-vue 使用TypeScript重新编写,修复了大量js版本bug,方便后续自己使用
Poem version:poem_admin
https://github.com/lingdu1234/poem_admin -
Axum version:axum_admin
https://github.com/lingdu1234/axum_admin -
Salvo version:salvo_admin https://github.com/lingdu1234/salvo_admin
iui314.vercel.app preview iui314preview
User management:The user is the operator of the system panel. This module is used to configure system users。
internationalization:Relatively complete internationalization adn route internationalization with
。 -
Department management:Configure the organization (company, department, and group), display data permissions in a tree structure。
Post management:Set the position of a system user。
Menu management:Configure system menus, operation permissions, button permissions, and log etc。
Role management:assignment of role's Permissions。
Dictionary management:Maintenance of some relatively fixed data frequently used in the system。
Login-log:the log of user login behavior。
User online :Monitor the users is online。
Scheduled task:Add modify delete tasks,also provide the log of the tasks。
Role-change: change the Permissions by change user's role。
Data-Permissions:all-permissions,only-department-permissions,department-permissions-and-the-department-is-under-your-department,Custom-permissions,permissions of yourself (five modes)
department-change:an user can set a lot of department ,but one is enabled,can be changed,and the permissions is changed by change department;
System monitoring: a simple monitor of system information;
Data cache: according to api cache data, divided into public cache (everyone's cache data is consistent, used for public data cache) and personal cache (api cache of different data of different users of the same api), api is associated together through database name. When there is data update, the associated api cache data is cleared, cache time expires, cache data is cleared.
Operation log: set the logging level of each api in the menu, which is divided into file recording, database recording, and recording at the same time, not recording several modes, and configuring separately according to different api
front-end permissions management: routes are dynamically generated by the back-end return route; the front-end button-level permissions are uniformly controlled by the back-end return permission flag
- The combination of department switching, role switching and data permissions can achieve a weird combination of permissions.
pnpm install
pnpm dev
vite dev
pnpm build
vite build
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