- This repository is the corresponding Git project of the article https://www.yuque.com/linghengqian/meve2v/kezd0g2m3lfuz38q .
- The blog
在弱 TLS 环境下利用 Elastic Observability 监测 ShardingSphere JDBC
is located at https://www.yuque.com/linghengqian/meve2v/kezd0g2m3lfuz38q , which introduces how to deploy a small Elastic Stack in a weak TLS environment through Docker Engine, and useElastic APM Java Agent
/Elastic Distribution of OpenTelemetry Java
/ShardingSphere Agent
to monitor ShardingSphere JDBC DataSource in this Elastic Stack.🐿️ - I don't have the extra energy to translate the corresponding article into English.
- If you find this article helpful, you can click an emoji for the discussion at https://github.com/apache/shardingsphere/discussions/12258#discussioncomment-10427297 .
Some third-party tools will scan this Git to find Generic High Entropy Secret.
is generated from a one-time Kibana instance,
and the related Kibana instance has been destroyed.
The entire Git is only used to serve the interpretation of the relevant article.
In fact, there is no Generic High Entropy Secret that needs to be removed.