released this
28 Aug 05:17
247 commits
to main
since this release
LinuxServer Changes:
Add libpq for postgresql.
babybuddy Changes:
Implemented enhancements:
- Timeline view: Activities should include their notes (or at least mark activities that have notes) #272
- Improve cross-midnight timeline view #270
- Timeline: For feedings, show time-since-feeding-before #266
- Start / finish times are treated as inclusive-at-both-ends ranges rather than standard half-open ranges #263
- add SECURE_PROXY_SSL_HEADER env arg option #285 (jcgoette)
Fixed bugs:
- KeyError when generating graph for sleep pattern #293
- Graph x-axis date labels should not show times, only dates. #288
- Sleep graph uses 12h format when 24h is enabled. #287
- Mobile submit button prevents date selection in some circumstances #265
Merged pull requests: