264 commits
to main
since this release
LinuxServer Changes:
Add libpq for postgresql.
babybuddy Changes:
Implemented enhancements:
- Favicon is hard to see on dark backgrounds #297
- Sleep graph y-axis should go "down" from midnight at the top. #289
- Allow manual editting of datetime values #284
- Add prominent link to timeline view from dashboard #271
- Mobile UI Tweaks #229
- Adding Portuguese Translation #308 (signorecello)
- Date picker changes #304 (ntrecina)
- reversing y-axis of sleep plot (top to down) #295 (fodi666)
Fixed bugs:
- Buttons icon glyphs missing in time selector #302
- If there is only one sleep entry and it starts one day and ends the next day the sleep graph excepts. #290
- Sleep graph uses 12h format when 24h is enabled. #287
Closed issues:
- All users lost #305
- iOS Shortcuts #299
- Button group flex spacing is weird on smaller screens #298
- Add a gulp commend for font updates #296
- Last Feed Time vs Last Time First Fed #162
Merged pull requests: