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Liquid Light Linter

Lint your code against Liquid Light conventions (yes, we use tabs and not spaces).


Once installed, run the lint command to see the linters available. Most linters have functionality to fix most of the issues found, this can be run by adding --fix to the command


lint php:coding-standards --fix

lint run

Out of the box, running a lint run will run

  • scss:lint
  • js:lint
  • php:coding-standards
  • lint composer:normalize

If, however, you want to run different linters (or lints with specific parameters), add a lint array to a scripts block in your composer.json. An example can be seen in this git repository's composer.json.


To update the linter once installed, run self-update

lint self-update

If you wish to be on the bleeding edge (or a feature branch), you can use the --dev option

The following will put you on the main branch

lint self-update --dev

Or you can go onto an active feature branch with the following:

lint self-update --dev [branch name]


lint self-update --dev develop


The linker builds and makes available several docker containers. Should you wish to use these instead, you can run something like the following:

export DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM=linux/amd64; docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/app

This will use the latest tagged image, you can see all the linters in the Container Registry.


To use the linter in Gitlab CI, you can use the following (where $IMAGE_NAME is the docker image)

  image: $IMAGE_NAME
    - /lint/lint run

All the linters can be found at /lint/lint run, it is just the image name which needs updating


To use the Git repo as the source, you will need to download & install dependencies, which requires composer and npm running.

git clone [email protected]:liquidlight/lint.git
cd lint
composer install --no-dev && npm i

You can then move to the directory you wish to lint and run


If you wish for this to be globally runnable, you can symlink the lint.php file

cd /usr/local/bin
ln -s  /path/to/lint/directory/lint.php lint

Then it can be used as above.

Adding Linters

When adding a new linter please:

  • Name the linter the name of the tool it is using, rather than a generic "lint" name (e.g. php:coding-standards instead of php:lint)
  • If it is the only, or most common linter for that language, feel free to alias lint
  • The linter should report by default and fix if --fix is added (sometimes is involves adding --dry-run by default and removing if fixing is required)


Before the release run the following:

  • composer update - commit
  • ncu and then npm update - commit
  • Then prepare the release:
    • Move UPCOMING to CHANGELOG, set version & add date
    • Update the version in composer.json
    • Update the version package.json
    • Run a composer update
    • Run a npm update
    • Commit the result as release(major|minor|patch): X.X.X
    • Git tag
    • Run the pipelines

Once you have released, set the version in composer.json back to dev-main and commit


Lint roller icon created by Freepik - Flaticon