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Wordpress style shortcodes for embedding external content in TYPO3.


composer req liquidlight/typo3-shortcodes


Out of the box the extension comes with plenty of shortcodes to get you started; including YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, Twitter and several others.

To use the shortcodes, you can use a shorthand syntax or follow the Wordpress, HTML inspired method.

More details below as to the exact usage for each tag, but as an example, the YouTube one could be used like one of the following:

⚠️ If using a full URL, it is worth leaving a space between the end of the link and the closing square bracket - this prevents the ] being used in the link

Shorthand colon syntax

[youtube: ]

Shorthand equals syntax

[youtube= ]

Wordpress Long-form syntax

[youtube url="" ]

Creating your own keyword

In the land of shortcodes, keyword is the "service" used to trigger the shortcode (e.g. youtube in the examples above).

Registering your own keyword requires a new class which extends LiquidLight\Shortcodes\Keywords\AbstractKeyword.

An example of how to extend and use can be found in the Classes/Keywords folder - anything but the AbstractKeyword class can be copied and used.

Once created, you can add it via the ext_localconf.php where new is the name of the keyword.

$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTENSIONS']['shortcodes']['processShortcode']['new'] =

Using this method allows you to overwrite existing keywords if you wish to alter their output. The only requirement is that you return a string.

Existing Shortcodes

All shortcodes allow title as an attribute to add a title to iframe based shortcodes. If it is not added, it will default to the type (e.g. "Google Maps")



Copy the URL of a facebook post or video

[facebook= ]


  • url
  • width
  • height


[facebook=LINK width="500"]

Google Maps


⚠️ Google Maps requires an API key setting up - see the setup section below for adding your key

Shows a place, satellite, directions or streetview of a place.

[googlemaps search="Paris" ]


All the properties are of that listed in the documentation.

The only differences are:

  • search can be used instead of q
  • The addition of loading - defaults to lazy but can be set to eager


To use the googlemaps shortcode, an API key must be set.

By default, it will look in your $_ENV variables for GOOGLE_MAP_API.

However it can be set in ext_localconf however you see fit (please don't commit your API key).

$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTENSIONS']['shortcodes']['config']['api']['googlemaps'] = '123';

If you restrict the API key type, ensure you have the following enabled

  • Maps Embed API
  • Maps JavaScript API
  • Maps Static API



Allows a generic iframe to be rendered with the passed in URL

[iframe: ]


  • src
  • width
  • height
  • ratio - iframe ratio in a colon or slash format (e.g. ratio="4:3" or ratio="16/9") - rendered as a data-ratio attribute
  • allowfullscreen
  • allow
  • frameBorder



Embeds an Instagram post

[instagram= ]



Embeds an Linked post - ensure the url has urn:li:activity or similar in it.

For example:

[linkedin= ]


  • height
  • width
  • loading - defaults to lazy but can be set to eager


[linkedin=LINK width="100%" height="600"]



Shows a Soundcloud player for a track or artists - can have the size & colour customised. Use the URL

For example:

[soundcloud= ]


  • url
  • maxwidth
  • maxheight - can be 166 or 450
  • color
  • auto_play
  • show_comments



Go to Spotify and click on what you want to embed - song, artist, playlist etc.

Click the 3 dots -> Share -> Copy Link

[spotify= ]


  • height - can be 80 or 380
  • theme - can be 1 or 0 (disables the coloured background)
  • loading - defaults to lazy but can be set to eager


[spotify=LINK height="380" theme="1"]


[x | twitter | tweet]

Copy the URL (or the status code) of a tweet

[x= ]


Any properties are passed through to the oembed-api, so the list & defaults can be found there

[tweet= theme="light"]



The video element outputs an <iframe> with the src of that passed in. It allows an arbitrary URL to a video to be passed in and it will wrap it in a <div> for responsive styling purposes.

[video= ]


  • code - optional if using the shorthand syntax
  • url - optional if using the shorthand syntax
  • width
  • height
  • ratio - video ratio in a colon format (e.g. ratio="4:3") - defaults to 16:9 - rendered as a data-ratio attribute for styling
  • loading - defaults to lazy but can be set to eager



Renders a Vimeo iframe embed. Can take a full URL or code.


See Video for properties and use.



Renders a YouTube iframe embed. Can take a full URL or code.

[youtube= ]

See Video for properties and use.