- Data exploration (quick and dirty)
- Bylines only
- run an approximate pass to determine co-affiliation (same author included in two or more journals)
- bylines are proxy for group (institution membership), run intitial descriptive report on size of community / partcipation (is it that few people write a lot, or many people contribute once in a while)
- quick network viz to see co-occurance on the level of ISSUE (maybe, but the network is sparse)
- Initial full text NLP pass
- cheap out-of the box named entity extraction, dump into a file and confirm visually
- text-reuse (explicit quotation, used in plagiarism detection)
- unsupoervised topics experiment with number / labeling (topics, or topics over time, diffusion of topics, topic-author network)
- Bylines only
Princeton's Blue Mountain Archive,
Mets/Alto/Mas https://github.com/pulibrary/BlueMountain
TEI Files of the Archive https://github.com/cwulfman/bluemountain-transcriptions
title issue count untagged names cite?? 147 265 e??lan 10 81 Klingen 29 109 Sturm-B??hne 7 14 Veshch 2 52 Volne?? sme??ry 61 159 Broom 21 5 Bruno's Weekly 73 385 East & WestEast & West 12 20 Entretiens politiques & litte??raires 59 110 Glebe 11 24 New Numbers 4 4 Nord-Sud 14 39 Secession 7 32 Signature 3 4 Zeit-Echo 42 198 chronique musicale 66 95 Dalibor 608 438 S.I.M. revue musicale mensuelle 118 527 Niederrheinische Musik-Zeitung fu??r Kunstfreunde und Ku??nstler 701 330 Revue d'histoire et de critique musicales 243 622 Ume??lecky?? me??si??c??ni??k 23 70 Proverbe 6 39 Nowa sztuka 2 40 Ultra 7 73
Monoscop, https://monoskop.org/Avant-garde_and_modernist_magazines
Modernist Journals Project, http://www.modjourn.org/