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How does a user use jit-access?

  • Access the web applications front page.
  • Enters the project id where they want the escalated role.
  • Selects which role they need from the available list.
  • Chooses how long they would like the requested access.
  • inputs reason or ticket id.
  • Magic!

How do I configure what jit roles I assign a user?

Because I chose to exclude User role assignment in this module. In order to make jit-access work from this module you will need to configure the access your users have.
You can either do this manually explained here Or if you use terraform to manage your User Iam you can add a condition block to these. e.g.

resource "google_project_iam_member" "default" {

  role    = "role/container.admin"
  member  = "[email protected]"
  project = var.project
  condition {
    title      = "Eligible for JIT access"
    expression = "has({}.jitAccessConstraint)"

Why can't I delete the IAP brand?

The Identity Aware Proxy brand is a part of the Oauth consent screen configuration and does not support DELETE

WARNING: If you run terragrunt destroy it will remove the reference in state without deleting the actual resource. You will be unable to redeploy using this into the same project.

Why didn't you include the ability to configure the users from this module?

Many organisations will have IAM configured for Users in a single place. Providing the option to include some here would encourage some configuration to move to this module.
Making it less intuitive and needlessly more complicated. Especially as the Roles in jit will be Break Glass and likely far more permissive.
Keeping these tucked away is not cool!


If you are looking for a module that can help implement User Role bindings try

Why didn't you include Multi Party Approval?

multi party approval is a feature of jit-access that allows you to permit a role but require someone who has that role assigned to approve the request before it is assigned.
I didn't include this configuration for a couple of reasons.

  1. I wasn't able to completely test the feature out without paying for workspace licences.
  2. From my experience emails are not a natural way request approvals and will often be overlooked
  3. The list of peers who have the authority to approve requests only include those who have the "has({}.multiPartyApprovalConstraint)" condition. I feel like the purpose of this kind of request would work more effectively if you allowed conditionless users to also approve request.
  4. As of writing this there is a PR in review to implement slack, which i will try to incorporate as soon as it becomes available.

Why cant I use a private registry thats not Google Cloud?

Cloud run only supports Google Cloud private registries and a few public registries directly. It is possible to use Google Cloud to temporarily store these to load into Cloud Run. This isnt supported by this module... yet?