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Ladislav Lhotka edited this page Sep 13, 2014 · 6 revisions

The YANG-I-D project provides a skeleton environment for individuals or teams developing YANG data models and accompanying Internet-Drafts. The included Makefile supports a typical workflow based on the following assumptions:

  • The source text of the I-D is written as XML using the xml2rfc format. Other source formats may be added later.
  • The document describes a data model consisting of one or more YANG modules or submodules whose contents also appear in the I-D.
  • A single XML instance document, such as a reply to NETCONF <get> message, is used for testing purposes and/or inclusion in the document.
  • Additional files may contain any number of figures such as tree diagrams or ascii art. Such figures may be generated by a program or created by hand.

The Makefile implements validation of YANG modules and the instance document, takes care about integrating the modules and other external resources into the I-D, and producing the XML and text formats ready for IETF submission.

In addition, common boilerplate texts, such as the description of symbols in YANG tree diagrams, are defined as XML entities that can be readily inserted in the I-D.

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