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example date

Ladislav Lhotka edited this page Jan 11, 2017 · 1 revision

Parser for Dates

This example presents a parser for dates in the format dd-Mmm-yyyy, for instance 24-Jun-2014. It demonstrates how verification of semantic constraints can be included in the parser code – in this case it is the number of days in each month including the leap day.

First, import the Comparse library and define an array with the abbreviations of months.

P = require('../lib/comparse')

months = [ "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun"
           "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" ] 

This is the parser for the separator character (hyphen):

sep = P.char '-'

The parser for day reads a natural number and fails if it is not between 1 and 31.

day = P.nat0.bind (num) ->
  if 1 <= num <= 31 then P.unit num else P.failure

The parser for month reads one uppercase and two lowercase letters (the default number of repetitions of the repeat combinator is 2). If the result is found in the months array, it is returned, otherwise the parser fails.

month = P.upper.bind (fst) ->
  P.lower.repeat().bind (rest) ->
    res = months.indexOf fst + rest.join('')
    if res >= 0 then P.unit res else P.failure

And here is the complete parser for dates that checks whether the given day is possible in the given month and year.

date = day.bind (d) -> sep.bind -> month.bind (m) ->
  if d > 30 and m in [1, 3, 5, 8, 10] or d > 29 and m is 1
    sep.bind -> P.nat0.bind (y) ->
      # check leap day
      if m is 1 and d is 29 and (y % 4 != 0 or
      y % 100 == 0 and y % 400 != 0)
        P.unit new Date(y,m,d) 

Now we can test the parser:

  console.log date.parse '24-Jun-2014'
catch e
  console.log, 'at offset', e.offset

The result should be Tue Jun 24 2014 00:00:00 GMT+0200 (CEST), possibly with another timezone.

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