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rogerrohrbach edited this page Jun 1, 2011 · 6 revisions

Q: Can anyone explain how this tool or api or library can be used? Is it client-side or server? How do we parse/compile?

A: Yo Jason. You’re way ahead of me. Currently this repository contains the specification, website, and a reference implementation of a parser for orderly. At the point that it also contains a validator and robust command line tools I’ll cook up a tutorial with how you can apply it to different problems. In the meantime, there are a ton of JSONSchema implementations out there and anywhere where you can apply jsonschema you will also be able to apply orderly. Good hunting.

Thanks lloyd for the explanation. I didn’t realize what this was at first. Wasn’t so apparent.
Found your demo app of Orderly here:

Looks like your’re hosting the parser as a web service api, and that’s an awesome idea for
developers who wants to inject Orderly into a JavaScript build process (Ruby Sprockets).

What’s the status of this project? I see that there’s been no activity for a year, and the JSON Schema draft spec has evolved (at least, uniqueItems has been added, which Orderly does not support). And I can’t find any evidence of a user community.

That’s a pity; Orderly is way cool. I’m using it to specify CouchDB schema. You’ve made a great start with this, and with the Web site. How can we encourage you to take it further? (If the answer is “fork it,” so be it; but having already struggled, and failed, to get it to build from source, I’m wary of sinking a lot of time into it myself, at least not without some discussion.)


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