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Little library that provides a few macros which allow to you encapsulate business logic and validate incoming params over predefined contract.


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A library that helps you to organize your Elixir code in more domain-driven way. Exop provides macros which helps you to encapsulate business logic and offers you additionally: incoming params validation (with predefined contract), params coercion, policy check, fallback behavior and more.

Here is the CHANGELOG that was started from ver. 0.4.1 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Table of Contents


def deps do
  [{:exop, "~> 1.1.3"}]

Operation definition

defmodule IntegersDivision do
  use Exop.Operation

  parameter :a, type: :integer, default: 1
  parameter :b, type: :integer, required: true,
                numericality: %{greater_than: 0}

  def process(params) do
    result = params[:a] / params[:b]
    IO.inspect "The division result is: #{result}"

Exop.Operation provides parameter macro, which is responsible for the contract definition. Its spec is @spec parameter(atom | String.t, Keyword.t) :: none, we define parameter name as the first argument and parameter options as the second Keyword argument.

A parameter name could be either an atom or a string. You could even mix atom-named and string-named parameters in an operation's contract.

Parameter options determine a contract of a parameter, a set of parameters contracts is an operation contract.

Business logic of an operation is defined in process/1 function, which is required by the Exop.Operation module behaviour.

After the contract and business logic were defined, you can invoke the operation simply by calling run/1 function:

iex> 50, b: 5)
{:ok, "The division result is: 10"}

Return type will be either {:ok, any()} (where the second item in the tuple is process/1 function's result) or {:error, {:validation, map()}} (where the map() is validation errors map).

for more information see Operation results section

Parameter checks

A parameter options could have various checks. Here the list of checks available yet:

  • type
  • required
  • default
  • numericality
  • equals (exactly)
  • in
  • not_in
  • format
  • length
  • inner
  • struct
  • list_item
  • func


Checks whether a parameter's value is of declared type.

parameter :some_param, type: :map

Exop handle almost all Elixir types:

  • :boolean
  • :integer
  • :float
  • :string
  • :tuple
  • :map
  • :struct
  • :list
  • :atom
  • :function

Unknown type always passes this check.


Checks the presence of a parameter in passed to run/1 params collection. Given parameters collection fails the validation only if required parameter is missed, if required parameter's value is nil this parameter will pass this check.

parameter :some_param, required: true

Since version 1.1.0 the behavior of this check has been changed. Check out CHANGELOG for more info.


Checks the presence of a parameter in passed to run/1 params collection, and if the parameter is missed - assign default value to it.

parameter :some_param, default: "default value"


Checks whether a parameter's value is a number and other numeric constraints. All possible constraints are listed in the example below.

parameter :some_param, numericality: %{equal_to: 10, # (alias: `equals`)
                                       greater_than: 0,
                                       greater_than_or_equal_to: 10,
                                       less_than: 20,
                                       less_than_or_equal_to: 10}

equals (alias: exactly)

Checks whether a parameter's value exactly equals given value (with type equality).

parameter :some_param, equals: 100.5
parameter :some_param, exactly: 100.5


Checks whether a parameter's value is within a given list.

parameter :some_param, in: ~w(a b c)


Checks whether a parameter's value is not within a given list.

parameter :some_param, not_in: ~w(a b c)

format (alias: regex)

Checks wether parameter's value matches given regex.

parameter :some_param, format: ~r/foo/
parameter :some_param, regex: ~r/foo/


Checks the length of a parameter's value. The value should be one of handled types:

  • list (items count)
  • string (chars count)
  • atom (treated as string)
  • map (key-value pairs count)
  • tuple (items count)

length check is complex as numericality (should define map of inner checks). All possible checks are listed in the example below.

parameter :some_param, length: %{min: 5, max: 10, is: 7, in: 5..8}


Checks the inner of either Map or Keyword parameter. It applies checks described in inner map to related inner items.

# some_param = %{a: 3, b: "inner_b_attr"}

parameter :some_param, type: :map, inner: %{
  a: [type: :integer, required: true],
  b: [type: :string, length: %{min: 1, max: 6}]

And, of course, all checks on a parent parameter (:some_param in the example) are still applied.


Checks whether the given parameter is expected structure.

parameter :some_param, struct: %SomeStruct{}


Checks whether each of list items conforms defined checks. An item's checks could be any that Exop offers:

# list_param = ["1234567", "7chars"]

parameter :list_param, list_item: %{type: :string, length: %{min: 7}}

Even more complex like inner:

# list_param = [
#   %TestStruct{a: 3, b: "6chars"},
#   %TestStruct{a: nil, b: "7charss"}
# ]

parameter :list_param, list_item: %{inner: %{
                                              a: %{type: :integer, required: true},
                                              b: %{type: :string, length: %{min: 7}}

Moreover, coerce_with and default options are available too.


Checks whether an item is valid over custom validation function. If this function returns false, validation will fail with default message "isn't valid".

parameter :some_param, func: &__MODULE__.your_validation/2

def your_validation(_params, param_value), do: !is_nil(param_value)

# or with a function with arity of 3

parameter :some_param, func: &__MODULE__.your_validation/3

def your_validation(_params, :some_param = _param_name, param_value), do: !is_nil(param_value)

A custom validation function can also return a user-specified message which will be displayed in map of validation errors.

def your_validation(_params, param) do
  if param > 99 do
    {:error, "Custom error message"}

Therefore, validation will fail, if the function returns either false or {:error, your_error_msg} tuple.

func/2 receives two arguments: the first is a contract of an operation (parameters with their values), the second - the actual parameter value to check. So, now you can validate a parameter depending on other parameters values.

parameter :a, type: :integer
parameter :b, func: &__MODULE__.your_validation/2

def your_validation(params, b), do: params[:a] > 0 && !is_nil(b)

it's possible to combine :func check with others (though not preferable), just make sure this check is the last check in the list

Defined params

If for some reason you have to deal only with parameters that were defined in the contract, or you need to get a map of contract parameters with their values, you can get it with defined_params/1 function.

# ...
parameter :a
parameter :b, default: 2

def process(params) do
  params |> defined_params
# ... 1, c: 3) # {:ok, %{a: 1, b: 2}}


In some cases you might want to make an 'early return' from process/1 function. For this purpose you can call interrupt/1 function within process/1 and pass an interruption reason to it. An operation will be interrupted and return {:interrupt, your_reason}

# ...
def process(_params) do
  interrupt(%{fail: "oops"})
  :ok # will not return it
# ... 1) # {:interrupt, %{fail: "oops"}}

run!/1 invocation doesn't affect interruption result: {:interrupt, _your_result} tuple will be returned anyway as expected and handled result.


It is possible to coerce a parameter before the contract validation, all validation checks will be invoked on coerced parameter value. Since coercion changes a parameter before any validation has been invoked, default values are resolved (with :default option) before the coercion. The flow looks like: Resolve param default value -> Coerce -> Validate coerced

parameter :some_param, default: 1, numericality: %{greater_than: 0}, coerce_with: &__MODULE__.coerce/1

def coerce(param_value), do: param_value * 2

# or with a function with arity of 2

parameter :some_param, default: 1, numericality: %{greater_than: 0}, coerce_with: &__MODULE__.coerce/2

def coerce(:some_param = _param_name, param_value), do: param_value * 2

Policy check

It is possible to define a policy that will be used for authorizing the possibility to invoke an operation. So far, there is a simple policy implementation and usage:

  • first of all, define a policy module (use Exop.Policy is not actual since ver. 1.1.1 - it is not mandatory to use this macro. Just define a module with a bunch of functions that take a single argument (any type) and return either true or false)
  defmodule MonthlyReportPolicy do
    # not only Keyword or Map as an argument since 1.1.1
    def can_read?(%{user_role: "admin"}), do: true
    def can_read?("admin"), do: true
    def can_read?(%User{role: "manager"}), do: true
    def can_read?(:manager), do: true
    def can_read?(_opts), do: false

    def can_write?(%{user_role: "manager"}), do: true
    def can_write?(_opts), do: false

In this policy two actions (checks) defined (can_read?/1 & can_write?/1). Every action expects an argument for a check. It's up to you how to handle this argument and turn it into the actual check.

Bear in mind: only true return-value treated as true, everything else returned form an action treated as false

  • next step - link an operation and a policy
  defmodule ReadOperation do
    use Exop.Operation

    policy MonthlyReportPolicy, :can_read?

    parameter :user, required: true, struct: %User{}

    def process(%{user: %User{} = user}) do
      # make some reading...
  • finally - call authorize/1 within process/1
  defmodule ReadOperation do
    use Exop.Operation

    policy MonthlyReportPolicy, :can_read?

    parameter :user, required: true, struct: %User{}

    def process(params) do

      # make some reading...

Please, note: if authorization fails, any code after (below) auth check will be postponed (an error {:error, {:auth, _policy_action_name}} will be returned immediately as an operation result)

Fallback module

If you'd like to handle various operations fails with a certain logic (for example log it into Graylog) you can use Exop.Fallback.

Define a fallback module:

  defmodule FallbackModule do
    use Exop.Fallback

    def process(operation, params, error) do
      # your error handling code here

here you need to define and implement process/3 function which takes following params:

  • failed operation module
  • params that were passed into the operation
  • an error result which was returned by the operation

Use your fallback in operations like this:

defmodule SomeOperation do
  use Exop.Operation

  fallback FallbackModule, return: true

  parameter :a, type: :integer
  parameter :b, type: :integer

  def process(%{a: a, b: b}), do: a + b

The results of the operation executions:

# SomeOperation will fail
iex> 1, b: "2")

# SomeOperation will be successful
iex> 1, b: 2)
{:ok, 3}

During a fallback definition you can add return: true option so in the example case will return the result of the fallback (FallbackModule.process/3 function's result - :some_fallback_result). If you want to return original result ({:error, {:validation, %{a: ["has wrong type"]}}}) specify return: false option or just omit it in a fallback definition.

Operation invocation

As said earlier, operations in most cases called by run/1 function. This function receives parameters collection. It's not required to pass to run/1 function parameters only described in the operation's contract, but only described parameters will be validated.

run/1 function validate received parameters over the contract and if all parameters passed the validation, the run/1 function calls the code defined in process/1 function.

iex> 1, param2: "2")

If at least one of the given parameters didn't pass the validation process/1 function's code will not be invoked and corresponding warning in the application's log will appear.

There is "bang" version of run/1 exists. Function run!/1 does the same things that its sibling does, the only difference is a result of invocation, it might be:

  • if a contract validation passed - the actual result of an operation (result of a code, described in process/1)
  • if a contract validation failed - an error Exop.Validation.ValidationError raising
  • in case of manual interruption - {:interrupt, _reason}

You always can bypass the validation simply by calling process/1 function itself, if needed.

Operation results

If received parameters passed a contract validation, a code defined in process/1 will be invoked. Or you will receive @type validation_error :: {:error, :validation_failed, map()} as a result otherwise. map() as errors reasons might look like this:

%{param1: ["has wrong type"], param2: ["is required", "must be equal to 3"]}

An operation can return one of results listed below (depends on passed in params and operation definition):

  • an operation was completed successfully:
    • {:error, _your_error_reason_} (if an :error-tuple (any length, but :error atom should be the first element) was returned by process/1 function)
    • {:ok, any()} (otherwise, even if {:ok, _your_result_} tuple was returned by process/1 function)
  • a contract validation failed: {:error, {:validation, map()}}
  • if interrupt/1 was invoked: {:interrupt, any()}
  • policy check failed:
    • {:error, {:auth, :undefined_policy}}
    • {:error, {:auth, :undefined_action}}
    • {:error, {:auth, atom()}}

For the "bang" version of run/1 see results description above.

Chain of operations

Sometimes you need to aggregate/group 'atom' operations into a single one operation responsible for some complex business process/logic. You have a few approaches to do it (with for example) but mb you'll find Exop.Chain more handy.

Exop.Chain provides a simple way to organize a number of Exop.Operation modules into an invocation chain.

defmodule CreateUser do
  use Exop.Chain

  alias Operations.{User, Backoffice, Notifications}

  operation User.Create
  operation Backoffice.SaveStats
  operation Notifications.SendEmail

This is how invoke this chain:

iex> "User Name", age: 37, gender: "m")

Exop.Chain defines run/1 function under the hood (like common operations do) that takes keyword() or map() of params. Those params will be passed into the first operation in the chain. Bear in mind that each of chained operations (except the first one) awaits a returned result of a previous operation as incoming params.

So in the example above "User Name", age: 37, gender: "m") will invoke the chain by passing [name: "User Name", age: 37, gender: "m"] params to the first User.Create operation. The result of User.Create operation will be passed to Backoffice.SaveStats operation as its params and so on.

Once any of operations in the chain returns non-ok-tuple result (error result, interruption, auth error etc.) the chain execution interrupts and error result returned (as the chain (CreateUser) result).


Copyright © 2016 - 2018 Andrey Chernykh ( [email protected] )

This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.


Little library that provides a few macros which allow to you encapsulate business logic and validate incoming params over predefined contract.







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