A Study project that create a app to predict a probability of having diabetes with Machine Learning. The machine learning model was developed using GradienteBoosting. The NodeJS was used to create the API and React Native with expo was used to create the App.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development.
Anaconda, Node, Yarn, Expo and a text editor. This project was developed using VSCode on Ubuntu.
This Project was built with Anaconda 2020-02 which is machine learning toolkit. It was installed using Python Version Management called pyenv.
The used database was selected from Kaggle which is a Indian database about diabetes. It was used Gradient Bossting model for classification. If you wish to see the process to build the machine model algorithm you can access at Kaggle or Github.
Go to a terminal.
$ cd /server
$ yarn
$ yarn start
The Backend will be running in the http://localhost:3000. To test the routes, I'm leaving this Insomnia file.
This project uses Expo, so make sure that you have it. Go to Api.ts and change the baseURL to the server IP. If you're running the backend on localhost, the IP has the be one in the expo page.
$ cd /mobile
$ yarn
$ yarn start
Go to the expo page and connect.
- Typescript - Main Language
- Node.js - Backend framework
- React Native - JS framework for APPs
- Expo - Used to improve the app development
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details