This module contains a helper class to make requests to an app running behind a Google Identity-Aware Proxy. The code was obtained from the Google Programmatic authentication document.
pip install iap-auth
If running outside Google Cloud Platform you need to specify env var GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS to point to your authorized service account.
from iap_auth import IapClient
CLIENT_ID = '<your-project-client-id>'
URL = ''
kwargs = {}
client = IapClient(CLIENT_ID)
resp = client.make_iap_request(URL, method=METHOD, **kwargs)
# resp is a requests.Response object.
This way users do not need to have a service account or Google SDK installed. You'll need to create an OAuth 2.0 client ID and then use this lib as follows:
from iap_auth.user_client import UserAuth, UserIapClient
OAUTH_ID = "<desktop-app-oauth-id>"
OAUTH_SECRET = "z6..desktop-app-oauth-secret..Ys1"
KEY_PATH = "/where/to/store/your/user-credentials.json"
IAP_OAUTH_ID = '<your-project-iap-client-id>'
URL = ''
user_auth = UserAuth(OAUTH_ID, OAUTH_SECRET, KEY_PATH)
client = UserIapClient(user_auth, IAP_OAUTH_ID)
resp = client.make_iap_request(URL, method=METHOD)
# resp is a requests.Response object.