This is an adaptation of the default theme for AwesomeWM following the Gruvbox colorscheme. The main branch is basically a colorswap of the default theme while the 'opinioated' branch will contain a slightly more tailored version.
You can put the directory anywhere and fetch the theme in your rc.lua by changing the beautiful.init line appropriately. (I would recommend putting it in ~/.config/awesome/themes)
cd ~/.config/awesome/themes
git clone gruvbox
And the update your rc.lua accordingly
local theme_path = gears.filesystem.get_configuration_dir() .. "themes/"
beautiful.init(theme_path .. "gruvbox/theme.lua")
Clone the repo into your AwesomeWM themes directory (by default /usr/share/awesome/themes) and rename it to "gruvbox".
cd /usr/share/awesome/themes
git clone gruvbox
After that, put this line in your rc.lua file
beautiful.init(gears.filesystem.get_themes_dir() .. "gruvbox/theme.lua")
Pull requests are welcome for the main branch version, please open an issue before creating a pull request.